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JUST SIX NUMBERS Martin Rees 1 OUR COSMIC HABITAT PLANETS STARS AND LIFE Page 24 A proton is 1,836 times heavier than an electron, and the number 1,836 would have the same connotations to any 'intelligence'
Flying Saucers and Science A Scientisis Investigates The MYSTERIES OF UFOs Stanton T. Friedman 2008 Chapter 5 The Cult of Seti Page 145 The Fermi Paradox "Two key scientists who were involved were Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch. They published a paper and shared information with Niels Bohr, the great Danish physicist. He brought the details to the United States. It was then determined that fission had actually taken place with the release of an amount of energy / Page 146 / indicating that the difference in the weight of the new atoms and the original uranium atom had been converted to energy by the famous E = mc2 equation. (E stands for energy, m for mass and c is the speed of light.) A key discovery was that the fission also produced more neutrons immediately indicating that a nuclear reaction was possible."
AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI Paramahansa Yogananda 1946 "Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe." - John 4:48 Page 275 The Law of Miracles "Among the trillion mysteries of the cosmos the most phenomenal is light." "In the gigantic conceptions of Einstein the velocity of light - 186,300 miles per second dominate the whole Theory of Relativity."
" I am grateful to you for granting me some insight into this fascinating world. Thomas Mann"
Daily Mail Monday, February 23,2009 ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS Compiled by Charles Legge Page 57
QUESTION Are the three stars that make up Orion's belt a similar distance from the Earth or do they just appear that way? ORION, the giant huntsman of Greek mythology whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation, has three stars of apparently similar brightness and colo (bluish-white) in his belt, given the Arabic names (from left to right) Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. In fact, Alnitak is 800 light years away from us, Alnilam 1,300 light years and Mintaka 900 light years. Thy appear in a straight line only in our line of sight. Despite this, the three stars appear to be closely associated. Each is a luminous, hot `supergiant', haviing luminosities at least 100,000 times that of the Sun, and surface temperatures exceeding 25,000c (our Sun is 5,500c). The five billion years that our Sun has been around has meant that life has had time to develop on one of its planets — Earth. Norman Wallace, Sutton Coldfield, W. Mids.
Daily Mail Thursday, February 26,2009 Page 37 The eye of God! IT STARES down at us from the depths of space, watching our tiny world from 700 light years away. Scientists have nicknamed the image - captured by a giant telescope on the Chilean mountains - the eye of God.
Daily Mail Tuesday, April 14, 2009 Page 11 Hand of God Eye in the sky: The Helix nebula By Dan Newlin; (Image omitted) WE'VE already seen pictures of his eye ... now we have the first image of the hand of God.
Daily Mail Friday, February 27, 2009 Page 70 Case of Moore, not less QUESTION Former World Cup-winning footballer George Cohen says that in his playing days you were given an England cap only if you played for the full 90 minutes this was the case, how many times did Bobby Moore actual play for England? How much longer than David Beckham did he stay on the pitch? PLAYERS who represent England at senior level, whether they start a match or come on in the very last minute as a substitute, receive an international cap from the FA. Bobby Moore started every international match for which was selected and only once did he fail to complete the full 90 miniutes. He received a full cap for each of his 108 appearances. David Beckham, so far, has played in 108 full international for England. He has, however, acted as a substitute in nine of tlhose matches, making the starting lineup on only 99 occasions. But too, has a full allocation of caps in his locker (all 108). As of this month (following record-equalling appearances against Spain), the former Manchester United and Real Madrid star is on loan from LA Galaxy to Milan, had played just under 9000 minutes for his country. And remember, he has also been sent off twice in England games - against Argentina and Austria. Tony Matthews, football historian
Daily Mail Saturday, November 22, 2008 ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS Compiled by Charles Legge Page 107 QUESTION "Researching my family tree, I discovered one of my ancestors was named Mahala, a popular name in early 19th century. Was it FURTHER to the earlier answer, I am a carer looking after a lady called Mahala. She was born in the year 1909 will be 99 next month. She has always wondered where the name came from and was so pleased to find out from this column
that it probably came from Mrs Pat Skinner,
Daily Mail Saturday, December 13, 2008 SATURDAY ESSAY Extracted from The Fragmenting Family by Brenda Almond Page 18/19 WHO'LL DEFEND THE FAMILY Under attack; The traditional family unit provides the best upbringing for children (image omitted)" "This week UNICEF warned of the dangers to British children in driving mothers back to work. Here, a leading philosopher argues the liberal establishment's on the family is the most profoundly tragic mistakes of our age FROM almost the first moment of recorded history, one set of relationships has been at the heart of the human experience and the basis of civilisation itself: a mother and father who depend on each other; the children who rely on them both; a supportive network of grandarents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Without the loyalties and obligations of the committed family, our ancestors would certainly have struggled to survive in a dangerous and frightening world. How else but with the help of kin could they have coped with the critical moments in life: birth, sickness, old age, the need to educate and train their young? Without such help from the very beginning, it may be asked whether humankind would ever have developed the capacity to build an advanced civilisation. This week a report from Unicef, the UN's child welfare agency, warned that working mothers take a massive risk when they put their offspring into low quality childcare. Experts at the world body said such toddlers could suffer psychological harm and fare poorly later at school. Aggressive behaviour learned by children at some nurseries might contribute later to classroom disruption. The study for is the first major international report to warn of the dangers of the drive, pushed again by the Government this week, to get mothers back to work early. But the family has a. significance that goes way beyond the practicalities of day-to-day existence. From the very beginning, it has also given a special meaning to our human notions of past, present and future. Human beings could have regarded themselves as isolated individuals whose meaningless lives were snuffed out and forgotten after a brief span. Instead — a hugely important factor in driving social development — we have always tended to see ourselves as part of a great chain of existence, binding us to our forebears and to generations yet unborn. `To forget your ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root,' says the old Chinese proverb. That undoubtedly reflects one of our deepest human instincts.
To modern ears, those words may sound some what romantic, or even a trifle overblown. But back in 1900, his view would have been shared by the overwhelming majority of MPs, lawyers, academics and the wider public. Until very recently, in fact, the importance of the family was taken for granted, not only as the basis of society, but as the foundation of our human identity. Today? In western societies — and especially in the English-speaking world — we think we know better. Forget the wisdom of the ages. Forget our deep- rooted instincts. Forget precepts that have governed every society in every era of history. The importance of the 'traditional' family is being challenged as never before. The idea has taken root that human families can be constructed in any way people want. The message is that biology counts for nothing. Biological mothers don't matter to their children. Biological fathers don't matter either. All that matters is what adults want — and children must adapt to it, whether they-like it or not. The sheer speed of what is happening is quite astonishing. In less than 50 years, the old values have been stood on their head. Today, legislators don't hesitate to plunge into 'reforms' that tear up the rights, duties and obligations that have underpinned the family for millennia. They rush into new 'post- modernist' concepts of family, partnering and parenthood. Indeed, they are even attempting to banish the word 'marriage' from the statute books. Everywhere in the West, the liberal consensus is on the march. In Britain, for example, a Labour Government has discouraged the use of the 'm' word in official documents, while in the U.S., the American Law Institute recommends that marriage should be `deprivileged' and not be given a status above any other relationship. Yet on any rational analysis, this reckless embrace of a brave new world is simply perverse, since there is no doubt whatever that the traditional family, underpinned by marriage, is the best way of bringing up secure, happy children and maintaining social stability. You don't have to be a religious believer or a Victorian moralist to take this view. The evidence speaks for itself (despite the strenuous efforts of the liberal establishment to ignore it). Fact: one in two unmarried couples splits up before their first child is five years old. The figure for married couples is just one in 12. Fact: children from broken homes are 75 per cent more likely than their classmates to fail at school, 70 per cent more likely to be involved with drugs and 50 per cent more likely to have alcohol problems. They are also more likely to run away from home, find themselves in the care system and end up in jail. At the very least, those bleak statistics should give us pause. The truth is that some of the most intractable problems facing Britain today — from our tragically high rate of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases to petty crime, gang membership and welfare dependency — have their roots in family breakdown. That's not to say that all families are perfect. Sometimes, sadly, it can be for the best that a child is removed from its parents. Sometimes, it is for the best when couples separate. And it is certainly true that many, many children are brought up wonderfully in lone-parent households. All credit to the mothers — and sometimes fathers — who manage to do so. But that doesn't invalidate the general principle. By ignoring the real benefits that marriage brings to children and wider society our legislators are making profound error of judgment - perhaps the most serious mistake of the past half-century. So how have we come to this As I outline in my new book there are a whole range a complex reasons — not least the hatred of the family that some shallow-thinking but influentiaL intellectuals feel. They continue to promote the message that traditional family structures have no place in world of gender equality. OUR elected representatives have played their part, too, by demoting marriage as an institution, weakening its contractual aspects and promoting the dogma that 'family' is just legal and social convention. Take the shabby way successive governments have treater marriage in this country, even though they know perfectly well that it is one of the great foundations of society. It was a Tory Chancellor Kenneth Clarke, who dismissed the married couples' tax allowance as 'an anomaly'. And it was former Home Secretary Jack Straw who proclaimed 'This Government will not preach about marriage.' The result? In Britain today it just doesn't pay to get married Our tax and benefits system is so arranged that if lower-income / Page 19 / couples who are living together get married, they will significantly increase their tax payments and their their benefits. Perhaps it's no wonder that this country has a higher percentage of lone-parent families than any other country in Europe, apart from Sweden. The system is designed to create family instability. And the costs, both social and financial, are huge. How to explain this bizarre discouragement of an institution so important to the happiness, stability and financial health of the country? Politicians are terrified of being thought 'judgmental' about the way citizens live. And they obviously take the defeatist view that nothing can be done to improve matters anyway. Isn't it curious, then, that those same politicians feel no compunction at all about bossing us around to tell us to stop smoking, cut down our drinking and eat five portions of fruit a day? The same aversion to moralising applies increasingly to the laws on marriage and divorce. Not only are we witnessing ever easier divorce — whatever the children may need or want — and same-sex marriages, but there is also growing pressure to remove the words 'father' and 'mother' from birth certificates and replace them by 'Progenitor A' and 'Progenitor B' (as is already happening in Spain). Whatever the motivation behind such trends, the 'traditional' family structure is being badly eroded. All this reminds me of the grim ideas floated in ancient Athens 2,500 years ago. In the vision sketched out in Plato's Republic — a philosophical treatise on the most fundamental principles of the conduct of human society — mating would be random. Children would be raised by the state. Neither mothers nor fathers could claim their biological offspring as their own. Nor could they raise their children. In Plato's bleak prescription, men and women would join together briefly, then separate. Fathers had children by many mothers. Mothers bore children by different men. A disturbing scenario indeed. BUT isn't Plato's view now triumphant? In a few brief decades, the western world has so altered the traditional concept of Ideas which once seemed just a speculative nightmare now appear to be an emerging reality. And yet the family in its traditional form is crucial to us all — not simply because it underpins social stability or because it connects us to the past and the future, but because it's also a bulwark of freedom itself. Why? Because the invisible bonds it creates between its members generate loyalties and affections capable of resisting any tyranny. That's what, in the end, makes the family not just a conserving institution, but also the engine of liberty and progress. Yes, the family can sometimes fail. When it does, the consequences can be appalling. But at its best, it provides an anchor for individuals who would otherwise have no inspiration or support in an uncertain world. For these reasons we should think long and hard about where we are being taken by some of the fashionable dogmas of our day: the belief that divorce or separation doesn't hurt; that what adults do can't seriously harm their children; that cohabiting is at least as good as marrying; that genetic relationships don't matter; and that 'family' can mean whatever we want it to mean. All of these dogmas are false. All are deeply damaging. Every day we can see the consequences in broken families and broken lives. In allowing matters to come to this, the liberal establishment has made arguably the most profound mistake of the past half-century. Dare we allow it to continue?"
JUST SIX NUMBERS Martin Rees 1 OUR COSMIC HABITAT PLANETS STARS AND LIFE Page 24 A proton is 1,836 times heavier than an electron, and the number 1,836 would have the same connotations to any 'intelligence'
Daily Mail Thursday, April 30, 2009 Page 69 "......... WOW........."
Daily Mirror Friday, March 6, 2009 Page 19 "......... WOW........."
Daily Mirror Friday, March 6, 2009 By Martin Fricker Front Page "IS THIS IT? THIS IS IT!"
Daily Mail Thursday, February 26, 2009 Page 34 ".........999........."
Daily Mail Tuesday, April 30, 2009 Page 33 ".........Called 999........." ".........dialled 999........." ".........called 999........."
Daily Mail Wednesday, March 4, 2009 By James Slack Home Affairs Editor Page 4 Don't phone 999, simply send police a text message! ".........call 999........."
Daily Mirror Friday, March 6, 2009 By Tom Pettifor Page 19 ".........dial 999........."
Daily Mail Thursday, April 30, 2009 ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS Compiled by Charles Legge Page 74 QUESTIONS Q: My son Major Matthew Bacon was killed by a roadside bomb in Basra in 2005, and my wife Maureen and I are supporters of They told how, on March 21 this year, while walking in the forest near their home, their dog found nine remembrance cards, each of which had the name of a soldier printed on it. One of those soldiers was our son. The nine cards had each been attached by red ribbon to nine white balloons which had all burst but were
together. Who sent the balloons? How did they get to Sweden?
How did so many of - them land in the same place? " nine remembrance cards" "The nine cards had each been attached by red ribbon to nine white balloons which had all burst but were together"
Daily Mail Wednesday, May 13, 2009 ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS Compiled by Charles Legge Page 53 Sky - high tributes Killed in action: Major Matthew Bacon and (inset) Runcorn's Remembrance ballon release QUESTION My son Major Matthew Bacon was killed by a roadside bomb in Basra in 2005, and my wife Maureen and I are supporters of the Military Families Support Group, who told us a remarkable story. Earlier this month, an email was received by the group from a couple in Sweden. They told how, on March 21 this year, while walking in the forest near their home, their dog found nine remembrance cards, each of which had the name of a soldier printed on it. One of those soldiers was our son. The nine cards had each been attached by red ribbon to nine white balloons which had all burst but were together. Who sent the balloons? How did they get to Sweden? How did so many of - them land in the same place? LAST year, as Poppy organiser for Runcorn, Cheshire, I organised balloons of remembrance. The people of Runcorn sponsored them and we released one for every British serviceman and woman killed in Afghanistan or Iraq.
Search ResultsKafka's Before the Law
Kafka’s Before the Law A Review This story is actually contained in a larger work, but it has been published alone as a work of fiction. In the segment entitled Before the Law, K, Kafka’s recurrent protagonist is talking with a priest. He relates a story about a man that comes to a great door seeking the Law. Before it is a gatekeeper that tells him he can’t be allowed to enter at that moment. The man seeking the Law is perplexed, but intentional, so he waits, and waits and waits for the entirety of his life to be permitted to access the Law. The gatekeeper also waits and allows the man to continue waiting, but not letting him pass through the gate. As the man is dying, he wonders why he was the only person seeking the Law. The gatekeeper tells him, that the gate he guards was only meant for him and since he is dying, he, the gatekeeper is going to close it. K then engages the priest that has related this tale to him, in an analytic argument about the meaning of the story. The arguments are piercing and full of moral implications. Kafka is showing us how an allegory can have profound meaning. It is unavoidable that the reader will not apply the experience of the man and gatekeeper to his personal life. Don’t we all seek some Law, some way to understand our existence? Are we not barred in this struggle to understand by a gatekeeper, in the form of fear, doubt and confusion? The gatekeeper as allegory goes even further. He explains that there are deeper realms, that even he (meaning the gatekeeper himself) can’t know, and the man will not be permitted to reach them. Again, the analytic portion of Before the Law reflects upon this notion. The priest explains that the gatekeeper could be deceived. Are not we deceived about our life’s meaning and substance? Before the Law is a clear narrative of human life. We come to a point in our lives in which we seek purpose and order, yet we are obstructed from this by own minds (our gatekeepers if you will). We want health, while declining in well being, we want youth, while growing ever aged, we need love, yet never finding it. We seek a reason, a Law if you will, that will help us, and thus we seek it, but discover our path is obscured by ourselves! Here is the allegory of the story. Kafka does this with such incredible power, you can’t stop reading it. Kafka makes a strange allegorical tale, in which we can see the senselessness of being in the human condition. K is seeking understanding of himself in the larger work.He has irrational fears. He fears high winds and feels a sense of forboding without cause. He actually enters the church for shelter before engaging the priest. In this work, you are K, and the priest is your alter ego. He provides you with many different interpretations of why the man sought the Law. Yet, none suffice, for you must understand yourself why you seek the Law. As a final word, Kafka has K declare that the Law is not real, it is a lie. He is razor-edge close to an existential conclusion with this declaration. It adds irony to allegory to have K, make this statement to a priest, whom is trying to explain the meaning of the tale.
DAILY MAIL Weekend 9 May 2009 IT HAPPENED TO ME... I witnessed a UFO Page 15 Denis Plunkett, 78, a retired civil servant, lives near Bristol with his wife, Maureen, 75. He claims to have seen UFOs in the night sky and now runs a UFO bureau which collates reports of other sightings. Here, he relives the moment he saw something out of this world. On a wonderful starlit night in June 1966, my wife, Maureen, and I were preparing for bed. I went to pull the curtains and
couldn't believe my eyes. For a moment I thought I was seeing things, but then realised it was nine brilliant white lights dancing in the sky.
HENRY BOONS Public House 130 Westgate Wakefield STRANGE BRIGHT LIGHTS "Be mesmerised by the highly original and catchy" 4 piece group rock/indie Appearing here Sunday 24th May 2009 7-30 pm Band Poster
DAILY MAIL 12 May 2009 COMMENT Page 14 Shining lights "IT'S all too easy in these cynical times to forget the extraordinary good works being done every day by the women and men of this country: volunteers whose dedication to improving the lives of others without expecting, or receiving, any financial reward is truly humbling. That is why today we honour our Inspirational Women of 2009 - women whose courage and hard work have improved the lives of so many. We owe them all - and the thousands more like them-the most enormous debt of thanks"
Flying Saucers and Science A Scientist Investigates The MYSTERIES OF UFOs Stanton T. Friedman 2008 Chapter 5 The Cult of Seti Page 145 The Fermi Paradox "Two key scientists who were involved were Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch. They published a paper and shared information with Niels Bohr, the great Danish physicist. He brought the details to the United States. It was then determined that fission had actually taken place with the release of an amount of energy / Page 146 / indicating that the difference in the weight of the new atoms and the original uranium atom had been converted to energy by the famous E = mc2 equation. (E stands for energy, m for mass and c is the speed of light.) A key discovery was that the fission also produced more neutrons immediately indicating that a nuclear reaction was possible."
FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS A QUEST FOR THE BEGINNING AND THE END Graham Hancock 1995 Looking for the First Time Page 408 PartVII The Turin Papyrus and the Palermo Stone "The figure of 39,000 years accords surprisingly close] testimony of the Turin Papyrus (one of the two survivii Egyptian king lists that extends back into prehistoric times First Dynasty).
Discusion about Shemsu Hor in the AboveTopSecret.com website alternative topics discussion forum Origins & Creationism Conspiracy. ... www.973-eht-namuh-973.com...
Page 1 Shemsu Hor Topic started on 30-10-2008 @ 10:27 AM by interestedalways Please bear with me in my attempt to create this thread. I don't usually make threads because I am not good at it.
reply posted on 30-10-2008 @ 10:52 AM by interestedalways Shemsu Hor
reply posted on 30-10-2008 @ 12:22 PM by dave420 There is no evidence for a great deal of that, so it's all speculation. It would not be very rational to continue down this avenue of discussion without everyone participating admitting that this is, at best, a guess.
reply posted on 30-10-2008 @ 02:42 PM by interestedalways Somehow, I wouldn't have expected something less than negative from you, based on my past dealings and reading of your posts!
reply posted on 30-10-2008 @ 02:48 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by dave420
A guess???
reply posted on 31-10-2008 @ 08:53 AM by interestedalways I am going to attempt to external source some more test on the Shemsu Hor, I seem to be having lots of trouble.
Personally I have always wondered why the Egyptions were so culturally advanced and as we have found, they have several different genre' of mystery schools. Could this just be something we would rather ignore?
reply posted on 31-10-2008 @ 08:55 AM by interestedalways Originally posted by dave420 reply to post by interestedalways There is no evidence for a great deal of that, so it's all speculation. It would not be very rational to continue down this avenue of discussion without everyone participating admitting that this is, at best, a guess. Back atcha Dave, I am not cool enough to know that 420 means go bust the pot smoker!
reply posted on 31-10-2008 @ 10:01 AM by dave420 reply to post by interestedalways I'm not being negative - I'm being rational. You are stacking guesswork and expecting to reach some truths from it. That is irrational. I know it makes it easier for you if you can label me as being 'negative' and then ignore what I say. It doesn't change the fact that I'm correct and you are essentially making stuff up as you go.
I'm sorry if I rained on your parade, but you are deep in fantasy-land, with no supporting evidence for your claims.
reply posted on 31-10-2008 @ 10:31 PM by interestedalways Wrong, DAve.......
reply posted on 1-11-2008 @ 03:36 AM by MegaBears Well, how do you know that you are right? Just saying....
reply posted on 3-11-2008 @ 03:21 PM by EyesWideShut Thought Provoking to say the least... Let me research into this more & I'll add my 2 Cents.
reply posted on 3-11-2008 @ 05:09 PM by interestedalways Thank you for reading the post.
reply posted on 3-11-2008 @ 09:56 PM by Byrd Originally posted by interestedalways
One source says this is just the title for the predynastic kings of Egypt. We believe the term Hor (for Horus the falcon or hawk-headed god of the sun) represented the Ari or Aryans. Actually, it's a mistranslation of the name of Horus (which is actually "heru" and is written "hr" in hieroglyphics.) The letter "H" was often used in the same way as "The" or as "Le" in French. Therefore, Har or Harri was "The Ari." Not in Egyptian, I'm afraid. There was no such word as "the" in Egyptian (check it out in the dictionaries) : www.virtualsecrets.com... -- the "H" symbol is a twisted rope of flax that you can see here: greatscott.com... ) The first pharaoh of the first dynasty of Egypt, and founder of the great city of Memphis, King Menes is buried in Northern Ireland.
Tea Tephi, an Egyptian queen...
reply posted on 7-11-2008 @ 12:14 PM by interestedalways reply to post by Byrd As always, good information, Byrd.
reply posted on 7-11-2008 @ 12:37 PM by interestedalways Having never studied Islam I must say I was shocked to see the similarities between such and the Kabbalah, and even Egyption symbolism. A sign of my becoming Geb would be the inner birth of a new personality. This new personality is symbolized by the infant Heru. But the gravity of this world’s life would soon pull me back to my former personality, so I’d have to meditate regularly (Heru at the nipple) to establish my new me.
Heru is depicted with a falcon’s head, indicating that the new will must attack the lower desires and behavioural/thought patterns. The Heru falcon also represents spiritual sight, clarity of vision and the ability to see far (remote viewing). In the Quran, the male initiates of Heru (Shemsu Heru) are called Hauaariyun. In Christianity, Jesus represents the same principle as Heru. In the picture writing of Kamit, Heru is displayed leading the initiate Ani to his father, Ausar. Jesus echoes the same by saying, “I am the way, the truth and the light. None entereth unto the father but by me.” The awakened will (Heru, Jesus, Krishna) is a necessary step to divine consciousness (Ausar, Shiva, the Father).
reply posted on 7-11-2008 @ 12:50 PM by v01i0 Well, I cannot confirm anything else that Thoth indeed was known as Hermes Trismegistos to both, the people (or rather to a small minority of enlightened) of ancient greece and to alchemists of first millenium. Pythagoras and Plato were both disciples of Thoth (or Hermes) and Pythagoras started a spiritual order which Plato later inherited in slightly different form. Of course, I don't personally know any of this, but this is what many sources claims. And after reading Plato extensively and also after reading many descriptive texts about Pythagoras, I can quite certainly 'believe' this. Of course, there is always change that it is all bollocks and something that has been composed later to fit some view. But in general I hold it as a plausible hypothesis. In Timaios (one of Plato's many books) Kritias explains little bit about Atlantis and the old egyptian priest that his uncle Solon met during the journey to a Greek colony in the Nile.
Originally posted by interestedalways Having never studied Islam I must say I was shocked to see the similarities between such and the Kabbalah, and even Egyption symbolism.
reply posted on 7-11-2008 @ 01:04 PM by interestedalways Reply to v01i0
reply posted on 7-11-2008 @ 01:22 PM by v01i0 reply to post by interestedalways
Originally posted by interestedalways Thank you for a kind reply. You're welcome. And thank you too, for I've never encountered the 'Shemsu Hor' before. This was a good pointer you made Originally posted by interestedalways It sounds like you have studied much of the old philosophies. I've tried, but I haven't studied them as much as I would like to - my lazy character and this lusty meat sometimes prevents me from doing what I really want to Studying old texts of course helps (as you've done), but afterwards one really cannot say that one has learned something new, something he didn't intuitively knew before (about the spiritual side of life). That's why it is said to be carved on the entrance of the temple of Delfoi: "Gnothi Seauton", 'know yourself', which is said to continue: "...and you will know the universe and it's gods". I can confirm that: If one is cleared of some malicious illusions about life itself, therefore is in a way pure to receive the message within, the spiritual truth is within the grab. Unfortunately, nowadays many are in totally wrong direction and are hoping the truth to come from outside. It may never will - or who am I to say? Okay, I am loosing my concentration on my writings so I'll just stop here and head into bed and have another glance on the morning. Before I go, I'd like to recommend, that if you haven't already, take a look into the works of the C.G Jung. Even tho he is mostly know as psychiatrian and psychologian, his texts about alchemy, dreams and soul are rather interesting in the light of all this. Sincerely, -v [edit on 7-11-2008 by v01i0]
reply posted on 9-11-2008 @ 02:42 PM by Unubuh Interesting Stuff As always Might have to read more into this! Possibly try to find more evidence!
reply posted on 9-11-2008 @ 03:15 PM by interestedalways reply to post by Unubuh More evidence would be good! I can't find nearly as much as I would like.
Page 2 Shemsu Hor reply posted on 12-11-2008 @ 01:10 AM by Enigma reply to post by interestedalways hey this is a great thread. i added you to my friend list because i want people on there for each subject that interests me; people who seem to know more about that subject than i do, who i can go to to try and learn more, or get insight into something. kinda like an advisers board, and you are one of my advisers, i just don't know what the subject would be called... but thumbs up on this and the research you put into it. i find it very interesting.
reply posted on 12-11-2008 @ 04:46 PM by interestedalways reply to post by Enigma Publius Thank you for taking time to post on the thread,
reply posted on 12-11-2008 @ 05:12 PM by bigfatfurrytexan reply to post by interestedalways well...if it matters, i am reading it as well. I flagged it, but had nothing of value to add.
reply posted on 12-11-2008 @ 05:15 PM by interestedalways reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan Of course it matters!
reply posted on 12-11-2008 @ 05:20 PM by interestedalways Alot of what comes up when looking for more on this idea routes itself back into the Rainbow Serpent idea and of course Sun God ideology.
reply posted on 12-11-2008 @ 05:27 PM by bigfatfurrytexan reply to post by interestedalways perhaps they worship the Sun because the "gods" told them that is where they came from. That would link back into the "Stargate" thing that Undo/Zorgon/a thousand others have been working on here. And it would support what Dan Tanna was saying about his "dreams".
reply posted on 12-11-2008 @ 05:34 PM by interestedalways reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan Ah! More dot connecting!
reply posted on 13-11-2008 @ 12:34 PM by letthereaderunderstand reply to post by interestedalways So...this is where you spend all of that study time? Great thread!! You got a lot of information here, looks like I'll be busy for a while...
reply posted on 13-11-2008 @ 01:06 PM by seagrass Hi Interested, I am following you as well. I like the direction you are going here. Keep digging
reply posted on 14-11-2008 @ 12:38 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand So...this is where you spend all of that study time? Great thread!! You got a lot of information here, looks like I'll be busy for a while...
reply posted on 14-11-2008 @ 12:40 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by seagrass
Hi Interested, I am following you as well. I like the direction you are going here. Keep digging.
reply posted on 15-11-2008 @ 06:15 AM by letthereaderunderstand reply to post by interestedalways I've always got your back...that you can count on
reply posted on 15-11-2008 @ 06:33 AM by Skyfloating Originally posted by interestedalways
Please bear with me in my attempt to create this thread. I don't usually make threads because I am not good at it.
Oh...the dudes from Sirius. You may be right.
reply posted on 15-11-2008 @ 06:48 AM by Skyfloating Browsing through your posts I like where you are going with this. Its always good to put the magnifying glass to the originators and Gods, because it always reveals...well...that these Gods where real entities and not made-up.
reply posted on 15-11-2008 @ 04:27 PM by interestedalways Before I respond to the last couple of posts I want to share a link with you all.
reply posted on 15-11-2008 @ 06:10 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by Skyfloating
I think if you go a bit less "broad" ("going broad" means trying to explain and connect everything) and focus more specifically on the identity of Shemsu Hor, you´ll discover some interesting things. I´ll return back here to read up on your discoveries.
reply posted on 15-11-2008 @ 06:20 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
Shem means name in Hebrew, perhaps Shemsu is a contraction as in "the name of Horus", but disciple would be just as applicable in any case of following "the Name" or being disciples to Horus. Hmmm.........The name of horus. Appears then that we are on the right track, but this would mean I am looking for more info on who Horus is. This brings me to Horus. My line of study being in the Hebrew, Har comes to mind as you had mentioned above. Har in Hebrew is Mountain or exalted (like a mountain) and even Light Barer or Lucifer. This makes since when speaking of a volcano and would explain how Mountain and Light Barer could be used of the same word...Har as in "The mountain bore the Light" the iron hot glow. I believe mountain is also representative of the final descendant or last in line who is the Peak of a family line. Would the last in line also be the Peak of a family line, like the beginning or the end? I am interested in the idea of Volcanic representation as that has come up alot lately. I am afraid of veering to far off though because then I may lose ground, on the other hand it may be a trail that needs following. [quoteHar of course is the base of Harone or Aaron the first High priest of the Hebrew. Harone Horus Hauraniian...similar and both priests who are "out of Egypt" or Mary. Interesting. This lines up with what alot of people say about horus and jesus being similar. Sun God / Son of God. Then Horus had Set and Cain and Able had Seth, it all uses the same basic root words I notice. I'm gunna keep digging, that was just off of the top of my head so I better re-check my info.
Please do. We all have something to add to the mix. Great post interested....all that study pays off
reply posted on 15-11-2008 @ 06:54 PM by interestedalways The first two pics are called Stairway to Sirius. Then we have something from the emerald tablets/Thoth, and last it is snake gods, or Nagas.
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 04:29 PM by interestedalways am finding lots of paths that lead to the Annunaki, Enki/Enlil, Summerian legends, but I am trying to avoid that route because it is already extensively covered. "The Egyptian Language Was Founded On The Hallway Of Records, left by the Shemsu Hor HOR............Hall of Records Nine in number were the years that Anus was king in Heaven.
In the ninth year... Kumarbis, like Alalus, gave battle to Anus...87 The text records that Anus gave way to 'the Storm-god' in his ninth year, which when added to the nine-year reign of Alalus produces a combined total of eighteen years (or sars). Now, in ancient times, a sar amounted / Page 166 / to 3,600 years, and thus eighteen sars amounted to 64,800 years. Amazingly, this is exactly the same duration as the total reign of the two kings of Eridu - the very first city of kingship in the first part of the Sumerian Kings List. 88 So, perhaps the first Sumerian 'cities' really did drop out of the Sky, just like the Hittite god-kings Alalus and Anus Alalus and Anus............Two new players in my gameset. Perhaps indeed, because the names Alalus and Anus bear an amazing similarity to the names of the first two Sumerian 'kings' of Eridu Alulim and Alalgar. The correspondence is indeed even more stunning if we take into account a variant reading of the Sumerian Alulim as Aalu (compare again: Hittite Alalus Hittite. Now where are these guys from? "...the darkness of the underworld could be dispelled by the light of the Sungod (Re), Who would unite with Osiris in the bottommost caverns of the underworld, and hence resurrect the dead god to life.
In ancient Egypt, then, all of the ancient mysteries seem to come together. We have the light-in-the-underworld motif (Re). We have the divine child motif (Horus). And we have the life after death, or rebirth, motif (Osiris). Unfortunately, we also have once again the forbidden knowledge motif. The secrets of Re, Osiris, Isis and Horus are mysteries which have - been preserved intact for thousands of years, and they are not going to yield their secrets easily. Isis, for example, was The goddess whose temple at Sais boasted the following enigmatic inscription: I, Isis, am all that has been, that is, or shall be. No mortal man hath ever unveiled me.75 Maybe that is why it is so hard to break this open! A similar theme involving Isis was picked up by a Hermetic text, which was written in Alexandria some two thousand years ago. The text, entitled The Virgin of the World, is a typical example of what we have to deal with - it is .full of metaphors, allegories and code-words. It states, for example, that the highest level of initiation into the Egyptian Mysteries was the 'Black Rite' of Isis, which was connected to a mysterious something called 'Night' - not night as in the mundane sense of the night sky, but rather to Night as a higher power, which moved in Heaven, and 'weaved her web with rapid light' .76 This Night, whatever it was, supposedly honoured Isis and. 'gave her perfection'.
The Black Rite................I have seen much alluded to about the Black Maddona and the Black Nobility..........Maybe there is a connection. What could this mean? How could Night be associated with light? The text informs us that the 'rapid light' of Night was 'less than the Sun's', i.e. the light was not that of the Sun. One is reminded of the words of Robert Hewitt Brown cited earlier - the Sun was 'only a symbol of the great Creator'. This, he said, was the crowning secret, along with a knowledge of what the true God really was
'Night', then, was a code-word. So was 'light'. And so was 'Sun'. The uninitiated were not supposed to know what any of this meant. The mystery is summed up perfectly in one of the most famous passages of The Virgin of the World, where Horus was made to ask Isis about the secret of his divine birth
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 04:47 PM by interestedalways
Horus the Divine Child
And Horus said: "How was it, mother, then, that Earth received God's Efflux?" And Isis said: "I may not tell the story of (this) birth; for it is / Page 21 / not permitted to describe, the origin of thy descent O Horus (son) of mighty power, lest afterwards the way of birth of the immortal gods should be known unto then - except so far that God the Monarch, the universal Orderer and Architect, sent for a little while the-mighty sire Osiris, and the mightiest goddess Isis, that they might help the world, for all things needed them
Who were Osiris and Isis? Why was the world in need of them? What was 'the way of Birth of the immortal gods'? What was the 'Efflux of God'? Why was a divine child born in the underworld? The questions raised by this enigmatic passage are endless.
Why would a Divine Child be born in the underworld? This advent (eleusis) was at the very heart of the Eleusinian Mysteries. And it is a theme which is echoed in the Christian, mystery of the Virgin Mary and her miraculous conception of the Son of God.
Five centuries before the Christian era, the Greek poet Pindar wrote about the Mysteries, saying: Happy is he who has seen this before descending underground!.... He knows the end of life! He also knows its beginning Is this the key to it all - the beginning of life? Once again we are reminded of the mysterious tablet with the secret writing, excavated at Assur byWalter Andrae during the early part of the 20th century. It was a tablet which contained 'a great secret - known only to Assyrian initiates - concerning the beginnng of life for Homo sapiens Happy is he who has seen the beginning and the End! Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971), the famous Egyptologist, author of "Archaic Egypt", who excavated at Saqquara in the 30's, indeed discovered the remains of individuals who lived in pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull, largerthan that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt but had performed an important sacerdotal and governmental role in this country. This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes and the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor, the "disciples of Horus". The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos."
Here enter the Shemsu Hor, from the same link, but this last ex quote comes from Hera Magazine in Rome. www.973-eht-namuh-973.com... "It's interesting to note that Emery writes: "Towards the end of the IV millennium B.C. the people known as the Disciples of Horus appear as a highly dominant aristocracy that governed entire Egypt.
The theory of the existence of this race is supported by the discovery in the pre-dynastic tombs, in the northern part of Higher Egypt, of the anatomical remains of individuals with bigger skulls and builds than the native population, with so much difference to exclude any hypothetical common racial strain. The fusion of the two races must have come about in ages that concurred, more or less, with the unification of the two Egyptian Kingdoms". Therefore, what occurred in Malta is also reflected in Egypt. It's noticeable that in Lower Egypt, the pharaoh's symbol is a bee named "Bit". It isn't coincidental that Malta's ancient name is "Melita", which derives from the Latin word for honey. Malta's symbol was also a bee and its hexagonal cells. Melita has its origin in "Mel" or "Mer" that in Ancient Egypt was the name attributed to the pyramids. Besides, the English term, "honey" is strictly related to the original name of Heliopolis, which is "ON". It is an interesting correlation that in Egypt, the Shemsu Hor guaranteed the respect of a solar religion and even today in Malta the sun is called "Shem-shi". "Shem" is a word of "accadic" origin, not Egyptian, deriving from the Babylonian term for the sun, that is "Shamash". This proves that the disappeared in Egypt, as in Malta in the same period, which is between 3000 and 2500 B.C. Who writes is convinced, although, that a third nucleus was present in the Euphrates zone, becoming part of the Arian stock known as Mithans, who the Egyptians called "Naharin", "Those of the Snake" (from Nahash, snake). The Mithans, who occupied a part of the Kurdistan area, were Abraham's people (Hera 15, page 26), whose description is analogous to that of the Shemsu Hor made by Emery (fair hair and robust build). The "serpent priest" tradition (Hera 13 and 14) originates in the Middle East, with its foremost center right in Kurdistan, where at about 5000 B.C. the matriarchal culture of Jarmo represented the mother goddesses as divinities with faces of vipers and lengthened heads. These divinities will successively be associated to the "fallen angels" or Nephelims, that are most explicitly cited in the "Testament of Amran" in the Qumran scrolls (Hera 6, page 52) in which is written: "One of them was of terrifying aspect, like a snake and his mantle was multicolored" and also "his face was that of a viper and he wore all his eyes". It concerns, in our opinion, not divinities in the strict sense, but individuals in sacerdotal or shaman expression, belonging to a highly developed and profoundly wise culture that had relationships with lesser-organized societies of the period. Its
Note the part that I bolded. He wore all of his EYES! Very intriquing. What could that mean? It can be therefore concluded that these serpent-priests were the most ancient race that first occupied the fertile half-moon area (particularly Anatolia and Kurdistan) and Egypt (following migrations dating back 6000-4000 B.C. -Hera page 10) until reaching Malta to disappear around 2500 B.C. but this culture survived in the Middle East and probably included one of the most famous and yet mysterious pharaohs of Egypt.
It concerns the Mithans and the pharaoh Akhenaton. The reason why Akhenaton was linked to the Mithans will be the subject of a following article but the way he was portrayed in his statues and bas-reliefs (and with him, the whole royal family) is indeed that of an individual of lengthened head and human face but with serpent-likeness, characteristics found in the pre-dynastic Egyptian stock mentioned by Emery, besides being the exact representation of the features of the Nephelims and probably the long-skulled individuals of Malta. The craniums of the Amarnian dynasty statues and the Malta craniums result as being practically identical, a not so fortuitous fact, also proved by the X-rays of Tuthankamon's skull, Akhenaton's son, which showed a dolichocephalous cranium. Substantially, the Maltese craniums are the relics, archeologically still not understood; of a sacerdotal race that, in Egypt and Malta, from archaic ages, survived till 2500 B.C. It's the group that created the religious and spiritual sub-strata that characterized the greatest civilizations of the Old World, from long ago (600 B.C. or even earlier). This group continued in the Middle East and somehow returned in Egypt around 1351 B.C. giving birth, through the heretic pharaoh Akhenaton (he was dolicochephalic too), to a religious reform that aimed to restore the ancient order. And if the hypothesis that this pharaoh was linked someway to the figure of Moses is accepted, then the rest is history." www.gizapyramid.com..."
Page 3 Shemsu Hor reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 05:19 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by Skyfloating
Originally posted by interestedalways Please bear with me in my attempt to create this thread. I don't usually make threads because I am not good at it. If you want to write better threads in the future, leave stuff like this out. From a journalist POV, its irrelevant baggage
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 05:42 PM by interestedalways www.akasha.de...
More clues. From Isis comes HOR, and the Akeru Aku: the 7 Sphinx Masters. And from them the Shemsu Hor, of which Christ was one in lineage. Isis gives birth to the divine child, BY the BA (Soul, Dove), BA-BY. And Tehuti enabled that birth to succeed, both in wining with the moon, and by providing the Wizzardry to resurrect Ausir Wassir Osiris in the dark. From which emerged Iosos (Horus) on the 25th of December
Iosos. I know I have encountered this before. Isis was the first Virgin Mary. As Lady of the Pyramid, the MeRu. The Lady of the Lake (Avalon, Arthur, ArkHor, Art-HOR, and MRlin), Queen of Hearts.
Mary comes from Egypt. Mother of TutankAton (later TothAnkAmon) and Moses was Mery Kiya (Miriam). Mary comes from Mer, which is both a lake and a sea, in cross linguistics, and has both meanings in Egyptian. Mer was also the Pyramid itself, recall. And Isis was the lady of the mount of the east, Mt Manu (as it was called). She was Sirius, SEPTet, and her sign is the M of Virgo the Virgin of September, when Sirius dissapears from the Egyptian skies. The part I bolded is of special interest to me. Siruis disappears from the skies, sort of like the sun does for three days around the 25th of December when the Child is born. Is anyone getting the sense that there are TWO SUNS??? This next part is getting a little further "out there" (literally!) but I find it worth posting anyway. Mary Magdelain came here, impregnated with Issa-Immanuels seed, from their tantric union and superconductive fusion, specially designed, for the New HOR's to continue amoungst man and woman, until every human was a King and Queen. SION was the 144 male and female apostle Shamanna's The San Graal (Holy Grail) was actually the Sang Royal (Song in the Blood, Royal Blood). For here Christ with the W-HOR Mary, his tantric high preistess of the high Eucharia Isralite Royal family (who owned much a Isis-Ra-El: Israel), had braught another HOR into creation. And so had the 144 male and female apostles, who had opened their DNA with the Arcanum Eucharist that Christ had Alchemically taught them to make - the waters of Ptah, the first Immanuel (ImwhAnnuEl). So Christ was an Immanuel (book of Mathew). Shamanna, is literally that meaning and is the root of the Shaman's. And all true shamans over the world, take plants that contains the Pineal gland neurotransmitters [Ayahuasca in the Amazon, used for 30,000 years to cure all disease, given by the Christ Viracutcha who is Votan {Wotan, Odin, Mannus, Manu, Ptah}] The Sophia's were lady's of the sacred waters Aquae Vitae. Mary Magdelain was said to have died in Aix-en-Provence, southern France, in 63 AD, in the old town of Acqae Sexteae, rendered from the hot springs town of Aix or Acqs, coming from aqauae. In the Meruvingian Languedoc tradition, Mary is remembered, like Hathor and Isis, as "the Misstress of the Waters", la Dompna del Aquae. Any insights or has anything stimulated any of your brains?
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 05:52 PM by TheWalkingFox reply to post by interestedalways
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 05:56 PM by interestedalways reply to post by TheWalkingFox Hello, Walking Fox, Indeed...............I have referenced some mention on the first page of the word Heru as well as Her are part of this puzzle.
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 06:01 PM by interestedalways Now, back to the link from the Meja-333-Code In Sumeria those who caried the cup of the Shamanna, were called the carriers of the Gra-al (necter of supreme excellence). In fact the grail Kings, with their Sangraal, roots from the Sumerian Sanga (priest) and lugal (king), Sang-lu-gal, san graal.
And they were Ark-angels, messengers of the Ark, which contained the bread of light mana, and awakened the SHAM vehicle; the Ark Tree of Life, which was the translater to the Star Ship, the Sham. Sham-Ba-Lha, Vehicle of the Ba-Soul and Lha-Spirit. Sham.Mr, is Sumer (pronounced Shumer), the Sumerland of Ur and Uruk. The land of the Sham vehicle made Pyramid MR. These are our Mesapotamian roots. Mt Meru was also called land Su-meru in Sanscrit. Sha is also the Sumerian 360° The Grail thus is the elexier of Life and ascension, the Shamanic brew by which one becomes the Falcan Head (Shemsu Hor, the 'eagle that flies', as ABBA would say, "flying high in the skies". Like in the film Emerald Forest [that was a Harmine/DMT snuff, the same components as in the Pineal gland]). Emarld Green, the colour inbetween, the 6 others, a Middle Way, for all to gather into All-One. The Grail was at the same time a Star Ship, exteriorised. In fact the Star Ship made flesh and then crystal stone, Lapis Stellis Excellis, the Stone of Ptah (Diamonds are forever). At the same time, it was the Royal Blood. For the DNA had been opened to the Spirit by the Shamanna Grail. Issa-Iosos-Immanuel came from a lineage that goes back to Akenaton (Enki Ptah Line),who in union with Mery Kiya Isralite line (Enlil El Shadai, Jehova), gave birth to Moses and Tutankaton (amon).
Christ corrected the hate code of Jehova, and braught Adon Adonai Aton, back into focus, as Abba. Another link to Enki-Ptah the father-Abba in heaven. For Abba was originally a Sumerian word, which defined a Sanga Luga. This is therefore a very ancient Alchemical line, that had continous periods of Shaman's opening their DNA to the Unity Light Body, and Diamond Body, with the Shamanna bread and divine wine from the Immortal Vine, so that the DNA was corrected by it laser light.
As I stated earlier, this is a bit more than alot of you like to consider, kind of "airy fairy" but I still believe it has it's place in this discussion.
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 06:13 PM by interestedalways www.sourcetext.com...
From the aforegoing, it may be seen that the leonine archetype assumed great significance in all Egyptian thinking, from the cosmological to the everyday. Lion gods and spirits were therefore looked upon as the guardians of all places and property, and the heads were often carved to represent members of the family, priests, priestesses, or Pharaohs and their wives. The Greeks called these 'sphinxes'.
One of the names of the Egyptian Sphinx was HU, 'the protector'; another was Hor-em-akhet or 'Horus of the Horizon'which immediately connects its erection with those enigmatical 'Sons (or Followers) of Horus' the Shemsu-Hor. Curiously enough, the name 'HU' also occurs in the Celtic myth of Hu Gadam, an Atlantean person from the sea who guided a band of settlers to the prehistoric shores of Wales. There is also an uncanny similarity of sound between the names Hu Gadam and the Tuatha de Danaans (pronounced Tuar-de-Danans), those strange fairy people with magical powers who, according to legend, landed on the shores of prehistoric Ireland. (p. 197) I keep running into this Tuatha de Danaans.
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 06:28 PM by interestedalways Another good link, but I am not going to fill the post with it's content this time! That, my inquiring friend, is the reason why you have been confronted by Sirius and Orion. Their story is that we must overcome the territorial desires of the Bull of Heaven in order to comprehend the benevolent Cow of Heaven. When we get our heads on straight, it will become clear that analysis of the heavens is not astrology.
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 06:32 PM by interestedalways Today is the year 2002 of the calendar that has as its Moment of the First Occasion aligned to the days when the Son of God came down to earth. Who was the Son of God? Was he the man walking on the waters? Was he the King of the Jews? Was he the one who communed with Moses and said that we must raise up the serpent in the wilderness? Or was he the child on the wings of the eagle with the tail of the serpent that crosses through the man walking on the cosmic waters and ascending to the flowering field of his mother? The truth is this. In the years that never were, 0 BC and 0 AD, an apparition came down to its lowest position relative to the equator of planet earth. That apparition contains a child at the eye and talons of the eagle (Altair) lying in a cosmic manger (Milky Way) with straw upon its axis (Coma Berenices, Bethlehem, NGP). The child wears a crown of thorns and has a flail in its up raised arm.
The man who walks upon the waters lifts up the serpent spirit of this child over the cave of the dead beneath the Scorpion and transfers child on the wings of a Great Eagle to the man (blue, Bootes) walking his dogs and stepping over a rock on his way to the heavenly field above his wife's outstretched hand (Vindemiatrix). This calendar that counts 2002 was triggered at the "Wall of the Ruler" when the vernal equinox crossed the asterism of the east line of the fish of Pisces as all the peoples of the world became "Fishers of Men," and the King of the Jews from the house of the sacred Ram was nailed to the cross at Golgotha, waiting for the days of the Mother's Favorite Son and the Life Giving Waters of Aquarius.
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 06:40 PM by interestedalways reply to post by letthereaderunderstand Let the Reader Understand, Under Sand! Leather Reader..........
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 07:00 PM by interestedalways And then there was LIGHT...........I mean and then there was this....... My Dad was a member of the Knight’s Templar until recently. He has referred to a group within the Templar Ranks known as the "Shemsu Hor". He doesn’t seem keen on telling me any more than that. I’ve done a little reading on them and they seem to be a cult/group that worshipped the eye of Horus. Have you heard of them before?
Stewart: Yes. It involves an ancient Hebrew cult from Egypt. think I’ve got this genetic heritage thing almost figured. The Phoenecians and Sumerians were all Lyraens or beings from Sirius A (tall, blonde and rather warlike). The blacks were created by the reptiles (tall, green and rather warlike) as a slave race, and the asians and Hispanics are a mix of the above? Stewart: Not quite. All humans on Earth have Reptilian DNA. The Sirians created the Hebrews and developed Egptian culture.
Also, if Emmanuel was a mind controlled clone, he believed he was the Son of Yaweh doing God’s work etc? Did he ever discover the truth?
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 07:16 PM by TheWalkingFox Interested,
I'm curious as to your intent. Are you here to get every stupid (yes, stupid) christ theory, every mention of pineal gland mythologyu, every example of a horrible, horrible understanding of Egyptian and Hindu myths, and every scatterbrained attempt to say we're all descended from reptiles from a dual star system onto a single thread? With a couple scattered attempts at the worst etymology in the world? If so, to what purpose, to serve as a resource for what not to do? Or, given it's location in the O&C forum, are you conducting a mockery of ID and creationism, or... what?
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 07:22 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Sorry, but I don't understand your question.
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 07:27 PM by interestedalways reply to post by TheWalkingFox Perhaps the ideas I have collected have some common thread.
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 07:53 PM by TheWalkingFox reply to post by interestedalways Actually I have to say I don't like it. It's three pages of some of the worst stuff I've ever seen. it follows no trajectory towards a point, and contains little to no analysis or attempts to bring it all together into a cogent point by the author - that being you. So I was trying to figure out just what's going on here.
reply posted on 16-11-2008 @ 08:03 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by TheWalkingFox Actually I have to say I don't like it. It's three pages of some of the worst stuff I've ever seen. it follows no trajectory towards a point, and contains little to no analysis or attempts to bring it all together into a cogent point by the author - that being you. So I was trying to figure out just what's going on here.
Thank you teacher, does that mean I get an F? I'm not trying to be an ass or anything. I'm simply unable to dredge through three pages of stuff that alternately makes me giggle then want to kick myself in the face in order to "draw my own conclusions"...
Well, at least it evoked a response! Nothing like an up and down ride! Somehow all these are supposed to be squished into one blob in order to prove that Isis is the mother of Jesus. hahaha! That was good. Squished into one blob! Shemsu Blob! Gee, thanks! , except to say that your sourcing is terrible and you need to attempt to "bring it home" so to speak, so that the reader isn't left gawking at a three-page thread full of nonsense I will take that as constructive critisim. Thank you for helping me to improve! and debunked myths (such as that whole sang real thing? Seriously? That was drowned back in the '80's!)
reply posted on 17-11-2008 @ 05:06 AM by letthereaderunderstand reply to post by interestedalways Sorry, i was away for my dads 60th! Oh my, I'm never drinking tequila again and I mean it this time....lol.
reply posted on 17-11-2008 @ 11:17 PM by The Cyfre Originally posted by interestedalways
I wish I could truely understand Sun Worship. I understand the idea of the Sun bringing life through it's warmth and energy, etc.........but it seems the fact that Worship of it is so highly indicated the farther back you go I just wish it made more sense. Input welcome. Sun Worship makes the most sense if you want to get fundamental, which is probably how ancient civilizations thought, it being the beginning and all. The Sun not only gives warmth but it also grows food, life, and casts light on the otherwise difficult nights. As an ancient human I would much prefer daytime to night. At least I could see the danger coming that way. You worship your savior and the Sun is responsible for all of the steps forward. The ancients obviously recognized this. Sun Worship probably came very naturally, and could have been of of the first displays of intelligent thought other than instinct.
reply posted on 18-11-2008 @ 05:23 PM by interestedalways reply to post by The Cyfre I do understand that principle, that thought process, it is just that I find it much more than that or at least the use of it's symbol to go far deeper.
reply posted on 18-11-2008 @ 09:37 PM by The Cyfre reply to post by interestedalways I understand what you're saying and I respect it. However, the evolution of knowledge has always shown us that less is traditionally known before more can be learned. By that logic, it's clear to me that these great ancient civilizations perhaps had no special meaning behind all of these sun symbols other than purely religious, and kind of predictable when considering all the benefits the Sun represented to these people. I think one of the hardest pieces of evidence for this is the fact that. The Sun is the manifestation of the ancient people because it gives them everything. It's like a God, which is why they worship it.
reply posted on 24-11-2008 @ 07:25 PM by antar I loved the picture on page 2 of the Virgin Mother being probed by the space craft. Is the Holy Ghost actually an Alien? Was she implanted? Interesting how the angle is the same direction and degree as my experiences of being beamed up. And notice how the craft sits right above the majorities heads and they never even notice.
Page 4 Shemsu Hor reply posted on 1-12-2008 @ 11:29 PM by interestedalways Hi Antar!
Good perception in reading the large amount of data. Somehow I am of the belief that the impregnation was from the Higher Teachers. After all, immaculate conception is rampant in all religious stories, and of course it is very difficult to accept that a female was with child with no fertilizing of her egg/seed. I will do some more research on the second sun, but my instinct says Sirius is possibly just that. So we had the rise of the great Monotheistic religions, which succeeded where Akhenaten failed. And yet we have this constant underground lineage- the Mithraic cults to the Knights Templar to the Alchemists to the Kabbalists to the Rosicrucians to the Freemasons and beyond. Ancient symbolism is used to identify all of these groupings, that is to say, the ancient symbolism derived from the traditions of the Shemsu Hor.
What if the Shemsu Hor taught the Pharohs and other Royal lineage to use the mummification process so that when it was time for them to return, when mankind had come to the point of causing too much harm, like kindergartners doing college science experiements. Just what if they mummified thier own so that they could use the bodies they originally created. I read recently that Gold is the flesh of the Gods. Plenty of Gold in those tombs. Maybe not, just thinking out loud. And remember who King Tut is- he is the Pharoah who restored the Throne of Horus, put in place by the gods themselves. And how do many people believe those gods came to Earth? In UFOs.
secretsun.blogspot.com... I will quote a small part of this site I have read. I would recommend anyone interested to read the entire text,. It is a bit much but does evoke brain activity. "The Egyptian Language Was Founded On The Hallway Of Records, left by the Shemsu Hor (7 Rainbow Races) and the Akeru Aku (Sphinx Masters) A Multidimensional Spatial Holographic Language"
www.akasha... In the text I would advise you to take what resonates and leave the rest behind. There is no head at a round table. One title for Thor was "Don." Although this term may just mean "god," we may infer that Thor was the western equivalent of the Phoenician Adonis, that was the basis of the Grecian Dionysus and Roman Bacchus. Interestingly, the Jewish god Jehovah was also referred to as Adonai. Akhenaton's god was Aton, then, was clearly the basis of the Jewish Adonai or Jehovah. And Akhenaton probably heard the term from the Shemsu Hor or their descendants, that is, from men of the west who had brought their gods and traditions to pre-dynastic Egypt. The presence of these westerners, in the land of Egypt, has been well and truly covered up by academics and "historians."
reply posted on 1-12-2008 @ 11:32 PM by interestedalways This word has also hardly changed in centuries. The earliest goddess of the Stellar period, of the primordial abyss and night sky.
She was the great virgin, and was associated with the fish. The word nun means fish in Hebrew. The fish was a symbol for the geometric Vesica Piscis, which was the symbol for creation. And so, today, we have the "Nuns of Christ" who are also known as the chaste "Brides of Christ." We also derive our word noon from Nun. Noon was not midday but twelve midnight, when the goddess was seen above in the night sky. The heavenly dome was her great womb and the planets and stars were seen as the inseminating spermatozoons or seeds within that womb. The sun was seen this way. It was the "seed" of God entering her womb or ovum every morning, resulting in life and fruition and abundance. It is for the same reason why it became customary to ignite fireworks on special calendar days, to represent the seeds of light being planted within the celestial womb. This rite was to ensure a "bright" future. It was also to remind humanity of the disasters which befell the earth from cometary action Much historical data in the link I quoted that from! www.irishoriginsofcivilization.com... And another source, George Merkl who broke the code of the summerian text says this: "Remarkably, in order to shield advanced biogenetic knowledge from the eyes of the profane, the simplistic images depicted on Sumerian clay texts by the Shemsu Hor, contain encoded data appertaining to protein synthesis and the manufacture of an elixir which repairs damaged cells and restores dead cells to life. Some 50,000 Sumerian clay texts contain coded images of cytoplasm, black protein, nucleotides and reticulated endoplasm. The Sumerian textual code was broken by the late George Merkl, PhD, that incredible genius whose suspicious death does not appear to be from natural causes.
reply posted on 2-12-2008 @ 02:10 AM by The Matrix Traveller reply to post by interestedalways You can also find the "fish" in Yi Jing.
reply posted on 2-12-2008 @ 02:42 AM by interestedalways reply to post by The Matrix Traveller I can't say that I have seen the image in the avatar, but it does resonate with me.
reply posted on 2-12-2008 @ 05:44 AM by The Matrix Traveller reply to post by interestedalways This lattice work of Light, which I call The Matrix, is a "Partition Map" of The True Mind, that existed before any Universes, or Worlds that don't look like Universes, were Created.
reply posted on 2-12-2008 @ 01:58 PM by interestedalways reply to post by The Matrix Traveller Thank you for a very descriptive post.
reply posted on 2-12-2008 @ 06:55 PM by The Matrix Traveller Originally posted by interestedalways
reply posted on 2-12-2008 @ 07:14 PM by interestedalways Ok, then.
reply posted on 2-12-2008 @ 07:47 PM by The Matrix Traveller reply to post by interestedalways I have just dropped a line to you through U2U.
reply posted on 2-12-2008 @ 09:16 PM by interestedalways
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller My pleasure to look at what you have spent alot of time accumulating.
reply posted on 4-12-2008 @ 01:18 PM by LeoVirgo Hello to all and interestedalways ( I just love your ATS name btw)
This is some great info. for those with eyes willing to see and ears willing to hear. Most of it is too deep for the simple man...if only the simple man could stop making it so difficult (religions, endless explanations ect that actually are holding mankind back from evolving (well they are trying anyways). I have been studying this same kind of mysterious history in our world and I find it to be no coincidence that mankind is seeing this coming out in the open where we can know study this without being threatened for our lives (well mostly). I encourage you interested always to stay on your humble journey of wisdom...light shines forth brightly from you. I would also like to note, some may not see any sense to this...it is simply because most will not have a need to understand it. This life is a process that ties into a process of MANY. I dont understand it all by any means...but I KNOW that it knocks all religions out of their box and also allows our center self to crawl out of the box. (Its dark in that box...let the light in I say!) Looking forward to watching the thread and reviewing the info. within. Peace to all, LV
reply posted on 4-12-2008 @ 01:32 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by LeoVirgo I have been studying this same kind of mysterious history in our world and I find it to be no coincidence that mankind is seeing this coming out in the open where we can know study this without being threatened for our lives (well mostly). Yes, it is encouraging that we aren't burned at the stake as once was the case! Welcome to the Sisterhood, my sister. I encourage you interested always to stay on your humble journey of wisdom...light shines forth brightly form you.
Thank you for those gentle words, they mean much to me. The journey is humble, is it not? My journey has been one where as soon as I "think" I know something, then that which I thought I knew has changed! The life of a seeker is an ongoing journey, is it not??? I would also like to note, some may not see any sense to this...it is simply because most will not have a need to understand it.
I wonder if this could be based on preagreements made by some upon incarnation in a biological container we call our bodies at this very important time? This life is a process that ties into a process of MANY. I dont understand it all by any means...but I KNOW that it knocks all religions out of their box and also allows our center self to crawl out of the box. (Its dark in that box...let the light in I say!)
Words well spoken. More will be revealed if we keep our eye on the "ball" Thank you for posting on this thread, it always humbles me and warms my heart when like minded members and what I consider family or sorts participate in an ongoing journey that we all have a role in unfolding that which is to be known. Looking forward to watching the thread and reviewing the info. within.
Peace to all, LV Again, LeoVirgo, thank you for your kind and thoughtful words. We shall draw closer to truth, together here in this community, not as single forces, but as beings of light glowing brightly together eventually accumulating as a force to be reckoned with, in Peace and Love!
reply posted on 4-12-2008 @ 01:39 PM by LeoVirgo Destiny is light that only shines to those willing to see it.
reply posted on 5-12-2008 @ 10:49 PM by LeoVirgo I keep running across the Tuath de Danann from Ireland when searching the Shemsu Hor. I also get the feeling that the ancient Caucasian mummies that are being found all over the world could relate to these ancient people in some way. The 'cloud people' from south America were of these same characteristics...they were said to of come from the clouds.
reply posted on 13-12-2008 @ 05:23 PM by interestedalways reply to post by LeoVirgo My heart skipped a beat when I read the list you said you found on a peice of paper. Several of those names/tribes/lineages you named have been very strongly on my mind for the last few months, but not in relation to the Shemsu Hor.
If you have any links where you are finding the connections I would love to read them, or I suppose I could do some googling with the keywords.
reply posted on 13-12-2008 @ 06:29 PM by Shawn Originally posted by interestedalways
The Yezidi's have some very ancient and well kept traditions and knowledge that isn't for western consumption. I wonder if this is part of it. It could also explain the coats of feathers that they were said to have worn indicating bird affinity, while I would surmise it was symbolic of thier arriving from space. i don't think they were from space, but from here do you have anymore about this, maybe some pics of the people with bird feathers? thanks [edit on 13-12-2008 by Shawn B.]
reply posted on 13-12-2008 @ 06:42 PM by Shawn Originally posted by interestedalways
I read recently that Gold is the flesh of the Gods.
reply posted on 13-12-2008 @ 06:46 PM by interestedalways reply to post by Shawn B. Oh, my! To pick a brain full of so many ramblings!
reply posted on 13-12-2008 @ 07:00 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by Shawn B.
What is your theory on who they may have been? Do you think they are still around?
Originally posted by interestedalways The Yezidi's have some very ancient and well kept traditions and knowledge that isn't for western consumption. I wonder if this is part of it. It could also explain the coats of feathers that they were said to have worn indicating bird affinity, while I would surmise it was symbolic of thier arriving from space.
reply posted on 13-12-2008 @ 07:18 PM by Shawn B. from a dream i had years ago that i thought was a past life of mine, in it i had feathers and have been thinking about it a lot lately.
Page 5 Shemsu Hor reply posted on 13-12-2008 @ 07:20 PM by interestedalways reply to post by Shawn B. Shawn, The country we know today as Iran might not at first seem the most likely source for angels, but it is a fact that the exiled Jews were heavily exposed to its religious faiths after the Persian king Cyrus the Great took Babylon in 539 BC. These included not only Zoroastrianism, after the prophet Zoroaster or Zarathustra, but also the much older religion of the Magi, the elite priestly caste of Media in north-west Iran. They believed in a whole pantheon of supernatural beings called ahuras, or ‘shining ones’, and daevas - ahuras who had fallen from grace because of their corruption of mankind. Visage Like A Viper
Yet aside from this still very fragmentary treatise, other Enochian texts have surfaced among the Dead Sea Scrolls which in my opinion are just as important. One of these is the Testament of Amram. Amram was the father of the lawgiver Moses, although any biblical time-frame to this story is irrelevant. What is much more significant is the appearance of the two Watchers who appear to him in a dream-vision as he rests in his bed, for as the heavily reconstructed text reads: [I saw Watchers] in my vision, the dream-vision. Two (men) were fighting over me, saying... and holding a great contest over me. I asked them, ‘Who are you, that you are thus empo[wered over me?’ They answered me, ‘We have been empowered and rule over all mankind.’ They said to me, ‘Which of us do yo[u choose to rule (you)?’ I raised my eyes and looked.] [One] of them was terrifying in his appearance, [like a serpent, [his] cloak many-coloured yet very dark... [And I looked again], and... in his appearance, his visage like a viper, and [wearing...] [exceedingly, and all his eyes...]. The text identifies this last Watcher as Belial, the Prince of Darkness and King of Evil, while his companion is revealed as Michael, the Prince of Light, who is also named as Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness. It is, however, Belial’s frightful appearance that took my attention, for he is seen as terrifying to look upon and like a ‘serpent’, the very synonym so often used when describing both the Watchers and the Nephilim. If the textual fragment had ended here, then I would not have known why this synonym had been used by the Jewish scribe in question. Fortunately, however, the text goes on to say that the Watcher possessed a visage, or face, "like a viper". Since he also wears a cloak "many-coloured yet very dark", I had also to presume that he was anthropomorphic, in other words he possessed human form.
reply posted on 13-12-2008 @ 07:47 PM by interestedalways It seems to all tie together in many different resources.
Here is something not so biblically based. www.antiqillum.org... Kenneth Grant, in ALEISTER CROWLEY AND THE HIDDEN GOD, pays lip service to the Yezidi. He urges that the Peacock Angel is identical to the Hawk of Gold, which is a symbol of Ra Hoor Khuit, the Horus of the Two Horizons. This very well could be a correct identification, or syncretization, since we find in Horus, or in some of the Horus divinities, an identification with Nergal. In Grant's glossary to the above mentioned work Been awhile since I looked at the Brethren of the Gift. The link is Qadosh interpretation. I noticed in the previous post in the quoted text they mentioned the cloak as wearing "all his eyes" which brought to mind the legend of Melek Taus, Peacock Angel which is referenced above. "The phonetic similarity between Cutha and KUTU and Cthonic, as well as Cthuhlu, is striking. Judging by a Sumerian grammar at hand, the word KUTULU or CUTHALU (Lovecraft's CTHUHLU Sumerianized) would mean 'The Man of KUTU' (Cutha); The Man of the Underworld; Satan or Shaitan, as he is known to the Yezidis (whom Crowley considered to be the remnants of the Sumerian tradition)." -- Necronomicon, Intro, Section on Sumeria, p. xix.
Could be. But as we found in Sitchin's writings, the word KUTU also means the Bright Uplands, i.e., the Gold Country where the Red Dirt is. Red Dirt is Arali. So either KUTULU Points to Oil, or he points to Gold. Either way, rather than being a pain god, in a painful pose, as Lovecraft depicts him, he is a most powerful shaman - warrior - chieftain, and a very ancient ancestor deity. Imagine using the Temples to the Underworld to contact the oil spirits. .
Gold is tying in. What kind of a wild chase am I on now??? Notice in this passage, "In the company of Bright Angels." That could imply what the name Yezidi refers to. The Yezidi from what we gather, are an angelic cultus, the Angels being the Nephilim that we run into in the Book of Enoch. "We have survived on tops of mountains and beneath the feet of mountains" -- consider that the mountainous regions in Northern Iraq / Southern Turkey / North-Eastern Syria / Armenia, N. W. Iran, would facilitate such a statement. Indeed the first post-diluvial cultures in the region were cave communities such as that of Shanidar cave. The Barda-Balka culture goes back 120,000 years. The earliest strata of the Shanidar culture, also goes back that far. But, when the famous Deluge of History took place, circa 10,973 B. C. E., (rather than the 10,500 B. C. E. of the Hancock / Bauval crowd) Shanidar was still going. We recommend the work, Ancient Iraq, by Georges Roux. We have been informed that some of the finds in that place included burials of goats' heads with vulture wings, and that the early priests / shamans of the area wore vulture wings as a part of their uniform, and that this was to signify the appearance of the Nephilim, or the Angels. Did our Nephilim have wings, or does it signify that they flew?
At any rate, the tops of mountains and beneath the feet of mountains gives us evidence of Yezidi culture, for there are shrines at the feet of mountains, in some of the Yezidi centres. Now are these people the followers of the Ancient Ones? If so, then is that so bad? Isn't it true, after all, that traditional family values, the perpetuation of lost, but fundamental truths, are to be considered as virtues by the people who condemn us and our kin for practicing Magick, Witchcraft, and the perpetuation of the oldest belief (and practice) system the world, and for that matter, the solar system, has ever known? Is it so bad to tap the primeval power that resides in the tectonic plates, in the gas-belts, in the atmosphere, in the vast reserves of oil and minerals that exist in and about our planet? Not as consumer goods to exploit and monopolize, mind you, but as vehicles of force, capable of performing a greater Magick than merely burning a wish scrawled on a piece of paper and given to the Priestess or Priest of the coven?
reply posted on 15-12-2008 @ 08:04 PM by interestedalways Originally posted by Shawn B. I would like to hear a bit about your dream if/when you feel like sharing.
reply posted on 15-12-2008 @ 08:17 PM by LeoVirgo reply to post by Shawn B. Im always interested in dreams...if you do care to share, I would love to hear it as well.
reply posted on 18-12-2008 @ 05:59 PM by interestedalways found another interesting link. The first would have been that of the Neteru or during the Zep Tepi or ) and who reigned for 13900 years. Semi-divine beings succeeded them (as other texts, like the Papyrus of Tulli, designate them as Curiously, we were equally mentioning in that manner the Biblical Elohim; they had not been, according to certain modern translations of the Bible, nothing more than one of these beings? Whatever it might be, the Egyptians say that the Shemsu Hor had known metallurgy (divined metal at that era) which was being presented to them by Horus, himself.
Shemsu Hor dabbling in metallurgy, as was cain, and so was one of the Angels in Enocian tradition, Shemyasa, or Shemesh..........The relationship between shemsu and shem esh isn't lost on me either. And do keep in mind the symbol for Shemesh was a five pointed star and found often in a ncient artifacts, still used in grand style today! According to Manethon, the latter ruled for 300 years over Egypt, furthermore, the Shemsu Hor were sometimes described as beings with a leonine aspect . In fact, one had been sometimes employing the name of Tepi-Aui (derived from which signifies ) to designate them. His hieroglyphic symbol is a lion whose body, claws and head are perfectly recognizable. Could the Sphinx be a monument in memory of the Shemsu Hor’s passage on Earth? The legends relative to these are numerous and varied. They make a complete allusion to an indeterminate period during which Horus would have installed himself near the Nile, would have chased away the inhabitants who were finding themselves there, and instilled an order which must have been perpetuating itself during the dynastic epoque of the pharaohs. In as much, one attributed extraordinary astronomical knowledge to the Shemsu Hor. edit to say: Just when I was pondering what to add to the external link the post decided to post itself, I touched nothing~~~~ hahaha! I can refrain from commentry, but I am obligated to post the link. www.indo.net.id... I need to include this. According to paroles, its because of a tar descended from the sky> that the tragedy arrived. Until now, most historians who are inclined towards this document think that the star cited in the tale had been a meteorite.
Probably because there existed not a concrete term, at that time, to define a meteorite or maybe because they were really thinking that this object had been truly a tar fallen from the sky>, the scribe opted for the word ky> to designate this singular manifestation of the gods. Curiously, the two ultimate ideograms represent a star with five branches and a solar disc, are those utilized in hieroglyphic writing to designate a word belonging to a semantic field of astronomical knowledge. On the other hand, there is something which does not tally with this hypothesis: its incoherent for Egyptian tradition that an object of such nature could have succeeded in its attempt to towards the omnipotent God Ra, supposed to be represented by the radiating serpent
[edit on 18-12-2008 by interestedalways]
reply posted on 24-1-2009 @ 09:34 AM by interestedalways A poster by the name of Shawn B. expressed an interest in the idea of Gold being the flesh of the gods. I was led back to an old thread regarding the meaning if Amen and I found a couple of references, one is an image of Shemsu hor and one refers to the Gold as the metal of which the Gods are made. Thou art beloved for thy words, [Which are] the satisfaction of the gods. Thou art the King of heaven, thou didst make the stars. Thou art beloved for thy words, [Which are] the satisfaction of the gods. Thou art the King of heaven, thou didst make the stars. Thou art the tcham metal (gold) of the gods (i.e., the gold out of which the gods are made). p. 37
reply posted on 2-2-2009 @ 12:00 PM by Enthralled Fan reply to post by interestedalways have spent some time reading this entire thread, and I must say I have enjoyed it. [edit on 2-2-2009 by Enthralled Fan]
reply posted on 3-2-2009 @ 03:39 PM by interestedalways reply to post by Enthralled Fan Thank you for taking the time to read the thread.
reply posted on 3-2-2009 @ 07:12 PM by LeoVirgo I was getting around to posting that link and got lost reading *smiles* imagine that....
reply posted on 11-2-2009 @ 02:09 PM by interestedalways Great addition to the thread as always, LeoVirgo!
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 05:18 AM by The Last Man on Earth I got to the part where you had the first Pharaoh of Egypt buried in Ireland...and stopped reading
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 11:16 AM by interestedalways reply to post by The Last Man on Earth I completely understand. I don't think that the pharaoh was buried in Ireland.
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 06:48 PM by NordicMan I was always under the impression the Atlanteans were suppose to be descendants of Poseidon and not Horus. Also I don't think Atlantis will ever be pinpointed. If the stories actually true. There's too many remains already found scattered in oceans that resemble lost civilizations. Atlantis could be any of them.
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 06:57 PM by interestedalways reply to post by NordicMan Thanks for the input.
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 07:16 PM by NordicMan reply to post by interestedalways Very interesting nonetheless. What do you think of Hitler's claims of Nordic's being descended from Atlanteans? As far as I know they were all debunked and based on a crack pot theory. It's still interesting that he would spend all that money to send expedition's into Tibet to try and back them up.
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 07:53 PM by reply to post by NordicMan Personally I think he was more influenced by Mdm Blavatsky and the distortion of the Great White Superman. I believe he was attempting to create the ultimate physical vehicle for these supposed supermen to incarnate into human form.
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 08:11 PM by SS,Naga Originally posted by interestedalways guess what I am trying to establish or at least open for consideration a race of beings that brought knowledge and taught systems of teachings to the Egyptians.
[edit on 13-2-2009 by SS,Naga]
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 08:13 PM by NordicMan reply to post by interestedalways I thought the Atlantean theory at least what I remember from the discovery channel came from one of his right hand men that was a sort of mystic. I forget his name. Where did you hear this about the Supermen? I understand the fundamental concept being to breed a superior Aryan race/person/soldier. I still don't understand how such a person would become a Superman and have not heard the incarnation theory. I am interested in this because people joke with me about my Aryan/Thor looks, minus the Fabio hair and ridiculous rippage.
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 09:18 PM by interestedalways reply to post by NordicMan Hmmmm.
reply posted on 13-2-2009 @ 10:26 PM by NordicMan reply to post by interestedalways Ty. I'll look into it and post anything notable
Shemsu Hor reply posted on 14-2-2009 @ 10:25 AM by interestedalways reply to post by SS,Naga SS,Naga.................
reply posted on 14-2-2009 @ 10:29 AM by interestedalways Originally posted by NordicMan Ty. I'll look into it and post anything notable Thank you NordicMan for finding something within the thread that peaked your personal interest.
reply posted on 15-2-2009 @ 12:16 AM by NordicMan reply to post by interestedalways I could not find anything about the Aryan Superman in regards to some type of incarnation. It only confirmed what I originally thought, which was to breed those with the most German looking attributes to create a type of super being. Hitler believed there was an advanced race that had these fair features and in an attempt to get to this advanced race he would need to breed the purest of the pure with like-fair-attributes.
reply posted on 15-2-2009 @ 03:35 PM by interestedalways reply to post by NordicMan It is consistent with the dogma of a mystical India-Germany promoter of National Socialism known as Savitri Devi. Known as the "Aryan Hindu prophetess," she authored a lengthy examination of the Hindu theory of cyclical history that included Hitler was an avatar or god come to earth
![]() And there are older consistencies with the dogma of another mystical India-Germany promoter of National Socialism known as Madam Blavatsky of the Theosophical Society (established 1875 in New York). The TS dogma included oddball theories about superior races, superior societies, a "Great White Brotherhood" of masters, sub races, and seven primary root races, including the "Aryan" race, which Blavatsky described as superior to some other "races. The "Masters" or "Ancients" allegedly would be able to endow the initiated with supernatural strength and energy. With the help of these energies the goal of the initiated was to create a race of Supermen of "Aryan" stock who would exterminate all "inferior" races. The great white brotherhood according to Blavatsky are a group of entities not incarnated on this plane. Somehow I got the impression hitler was involved with her theory. rexcurry.net... Another source, taken for reference to your question, not my belief. Thule was a legendary island in the far north, similar to Atlantis, supposedly the center of a lost, high-level civilization. But not all secrets of that civilization had been completely wiped out. Those that remained were being guarded by ancient, highly intelligent beings (similar to the "Masters" of Theosophy or the White Brotherhood).
The truly initiated could establish contact with these beings by means of magic-mystical rituals.
reply posted on 15-2-2009 @ 03:36 PM by interestedalways Just to clarify...............
reply posted on 17-6-2009 @ 10:16 AM by ehtnamuh
In light of your interest in the Shemsu Hor, please see this document www.973-eht-namuh-973.com... copyright & usage reply posted on 26-6-2009 @ 12:49 AM by interestedalways
Originally posted by ehtnamuh
Thank you for that, The Human. It will take some time to process...............
Malta Skulls ... the Shemsu Hor guaranteed the respect of a solar religion and even today in Malta the sun is called "Shem-shi". "Shem" is a word of "accadic" origin, ... www.andrewcollins.com/page/articles/maltaskulls.htm - Cached - Similar
"It is an interesting correlation that in Egypt, the Shemsu Hor guaranteed the respect of a solar religion and even today in Malta the sun is called "Shem-shi". "Shem" is a word of "accadic" origin, not Egyptian, deriving from the Babylonian term for the sun, that is "Shamash"..."
Malta Skulls ... the Shemsu Hor guaranteed the respect of a solar religion and even today in Malta the sun is called "Shem-shi". "Shem" is a word of "accadic" origin, ... www.andrewcollins.com/page/articles/maltaskulls.htm - Cached - Similar
Malta: The Skulls of the Mother Goddess In the megalithic temple of Hal Saflieni, in Malta, men with extraordinary cranial volume were buried. These skulls seem to belong to a strange human stock and if properly analyzed, could create an ideal link between the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures and a race of sacerdotal men identified with the snake. By Vittorio Di Cesare and Adriano Forgione of HERA magazine, Rome, Italy.
Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971), the famous Egyptologist, author of "Archaic Egypt", who excavated at Saqquara in the 30's, indeed discovered the remains of individuals who lived in pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull, larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt but had performed an important sacerdotal and governmental role in this country. This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes and the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor, the "disciples of Horus". The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos. It's interesting to note that Emery writes: "Towards the end of the IV millennium B.C. the people known as the Disciples of Horus appear as a highly dominant aristocracy that governed entire Egypt. The theory of the existence of this race is supported by the discovery in the pre-dynastic tombs, in the northern part of Higher Egypt, of the anatomical remains of individuals with bigger skulls and builds than the native population, with so much difference to exclude any hypothetical common racial strain. The fusion of the two races must have come about in ages that concurred, more or less, with the unification of the two Egyptian Kingdoms". Therefore, what occurred in Malta is also reflected in Egypt. It's noticeable that in Lower Egypt, the pharaoh's symbol is a bee named "Bit". It isn't coincidental that Malta's ancient name is "Melita", which derives from the Latin word for honey. Malta's symbol was also a bee and its hexagonal cells. Melita has its origin in "Mel" or "Mer" that in Ancient Egypt was the name attributed to the pyramids. Besides, the English term, "honey" is strictly related to the original name of Helliopolis, which is "ON". It is an interesting correlation that in Egypt, the Shemsu Hor guaranteed the respect of a solar religion and even today in Malta the sun is called "Shem-shi". "Shem" is a word of "accadic" origin, not Egyptian, deriving from the Babylonian term for the sun, that is "Shamash". This proves that the Shemsu Hor came from the fertile half-moon area. An umpteenth correlation is the fact that this sacerdotal long-skulled caste disappeared in Egypt, as in Malta in the same period, which is between 3000 and 2500 B.C. Who writes is convinced, although, that a third nucleus was present in the Euphrates zone, becoming part of the Arian stock known as Mithans, who the Egyptians called "Naharin", "Those of the Snake" (from Nahash, snake). The Mithans, who occupied a part of the Kurdistan area, were Abraham's people (Hera 15, page 26), whose description is analogous to that of the Shemsu Hor made by Emery (fair hair and robust build). The "serpent priest" tradition (Hera 13 and 14) originates in the Middle East, with its foremost center right in Kurdistan, where at about 5000 B.C. the matriarchal culture of Jarmo represented the mother goddesses as divinities with faces of vipers and lengthened heads. These divinities will successively be associated to the "fallen angels" or Nephelims, that are most explicitly cited in the "Testament of Amran" in the Qumran scrolls (Hera 6, page 52) in which is written: "One of them was of terrifying aspect, like a snake and his mantle was multicolored" and also "his face was that of a viper and he wore all his eyes". It concerns, in our opinion, not divinities in the strict sense, but individuals in sacerdotal or shaman expression, belonging to a highly developed and profoundly wise culture that had relationships with lesser-organized societies of the period. Its members were considered as "half-gods" for the knowledge they possessed, just like in Egypt with the Shemsu Hor. Analogous viper-faced statues of mother goddesses are found in the land of the Nile, dating back exactly from the archaic period of the Shemsu Hor. It can be therefore concluded that these serpent-priests were the most ancient race that first occupied the fertile half-moon area (particularly Anatolia and Kurdistan) and Egypt (following migrations dating back 6000-4000 B.C. -Hera page 10) until reaching Malta to disappear around 2500 B.C. but this culture survived in the Middle East and probably included one of the most famous and yet mysterious pharaohs of Egypt. It concerns the Mithans and the pharaoh Akhenaton. The reason why Akhenaton was linked to the Mithans will be the subject of a following article but the way he was portrayed in his statues and bas-reliefs (and with him, the whole royal family) is indeed that of an individual of lengthened head and human face but with serpent-likeness, characteristics found in the pre-dynastic Egyptian stock mentioned by Emery, besides being the exact representation of the features of the Nephelims and probably the long-skulled individuals of Malta. The craniums of the Amarnian dynasty statues and the Malta craniums result as being practically identical, a not so fortuitous fact, also proved by the X-rays of Tuthankamon's skull, Akhenaton's son, which showed a dolichocephalous cranium. Substantially, the Maltese craniums are the relics, archeologically still not understood; of a sacerdotal race that, in Egypt and Malta, from archaic ages, survived till 2500 B.C. It's the group that created the religious and spiritual sub-strata that characterized the greatest civilizations of the Old World, from long ago (600 B.C. or even earlier). This group continued in the Middle East and somehow returned in Egypt around 1351 B.C. giving birth, through the heretic pharaoh Akhenaton, to a religious reform that aimed to restore the ancient order. And if the hypothesis that this pharaoh was linked someway to the figure of Moses is accepted, then the rest is history.
Amazon.com: "Shemshi Pasha": Books
Massonic Secrets of the Pyramids - Politics "Inquiry over the <extraterrestrial connection> of the pre dynastic era Inquiry over the <extraterrestrial connection> of the pre dynastic era There was a time, in Egypt, where the gods reigned over the Nile valley. Their descendants were called the <radiant ones> and considerable astronomical knowledge was attributed to them, in that the creation of animal species like the cat, vegetables such as wheat. Their passage in Egypt took place more than 13.000 years ago and many think that they arrived from the stars. What follows is a part of their history. I don’t know how, but that worked. This <safe-conduct> scrawled several minutes before by the professor Zahi Hawass at his director of Giza plateaus’ office, did so as to make the keeper of the entrance to the Sphinxs’ confines stand to attention, examined attentively the paper and finished by letting me enter the pit which today protects from tourists Egypts’ most emblematic monument. Without reflecting about it a second time, I rapidly descended by the wooden ramp which leads to this place so well guarded and directed myself impatiently towards to the rear section of the colossal statue. There, under the base of the tail, we guessed there was a little hole (hardly 40 cm in depth), thus I knew that it opened out into a subterranean gallery, recently discovered. <There exists under the Sphinx tunnels, but this gallery has nothing to do with a lost civilization>, had been acknowledging some minutes before, professor Hawass, the course of our interview. Is that the sole tunnel that you have found? During these last six years, we have discovered two galleries. One is located under the Sphinxs’ head and penetratesinto the ground over approximately 5 meters. When we had cleaned the tunnel, we found nothing there. The other, part of the tail and, on opening it, we noticed that it thrusted deep into the sphinxs’ womb over a length of twenty meters. We had also found nothing there, with the exception of an old pair of shoes, forgotten there, undoubtedly by someone who adventured into the gallery before us>. World interest aroused by the discovery of the two galleries had been more than justified. It’s not in vain that since years gone by, famous clairvoyants like Edgar Cayce and researchers like John Anthony West, Graham Hancock or Robert Bauval, were affirming that, under this monument, (that everyone of them dates back to a time well before the fourth Dynasty 2613-2498 BC.), were to be found buried documents and objects. Sooner or later, they would prove to the world that it was necessary to search Egypts’ origin in relation to the arrival in the lands of the Nile of a super civilization that was colonizing the area and instructed the primitive inhabitants. Supra civilization which certain people think that it had been composed of survivors from Atlantis and others, of extraterrestrials. THE BARS OF MANETHON Despite the discouraging words of professor Hawass about the galleries, I did not have any doubt. I crossed the pit surrounding the Sphinx and, ignoring the disapproving words of the keeper, I slipped myself into the tunnels’ opening located under the tail. After having accustomed myself with the room room temperature darkness, I could observe how exactly under my head, was opening itself a gallery which was leading just until the center of the statue. Effectively, there had not been any trace of proofs that I had been searching for. I was only finding confirmation that the Sphinx had been partially hollow and that the rock over which it was being built, was able to shelter the famous Archives Chamber described by Edgar Cayce. Fortunately, my visit was not so useless as one would think at first sight. In situ, I could verify the monuments’ deterioration and the <camouflage> works started by the authorities to conceal certain limestone (chalky) rocks which seem to have eroded by flowing water. In fact, the Sphinx, completely like the walls of the Temple that stands in front of it, also closed to the public, and the pits’ inner sides, seemed to have undergone liquid element action. The Sphinx of Giza is considered by a good number of researchers as the most ancient monument in Egypt. This statue would represent a lineage of semi-divine beings who governed the Nile during more than 11000 years and who possessed the secrets of the firmament. Already in 1991, John Anthony West, accompanied by Robert Schoch, geologist at Boston University, had been taking <illegally> (that’s to say without expressed authorization of professor Hawass) several samples of rocks in the pit. After examining them, he was concluding that they had undergone water erosion about between 7000 and 9000 years ago, in other words well before the appearance of the first pharaohs in the Nile valley. The question that poses itself is the following: who had been in Egypt before the first pharaohs?The response is, curiously, as clear and unacceptable to traditional archeology. If one believes a Heliopolis priest about that, the name Manethon (XIII century BC.), there would have been two historical periods well differentiated before Menes (supposedly the first pharaoh, founder of the First Thinite Dynasty). The first would have been that of the Neteru or <Gods> during the Zep Tepi or <First Times>) and who reigned for 13900 years. Semi-divine beings succeeded them (as other texts, like the Papyrus of Tulli, designate them as Shemsu Hor or <companions of Horus>) and dominated the country during 11000 years, to finally cede their place to the first pharaohs. The Shemsu Hor could be (according to what wrote, in 1894, the celebrated egyptologist Gaston Maspéro) those who had set up the Sphinx, employing all their knowledge to accomplish this task. Hieroglyphs, amongst the most ancient that are at our disposition, already discuss about the Shemsu Hor. Curiously, we were equally mentioning in that manner the Biblical Elohim; they had not been, according to certain modern translations of the Bible, nothing more than one of these beings? Whatever it might be, the Egyptians say that the Shemsu Hor had known metallurgy (divined metal at that era) which was being presented to them by Horus, himself. According to Manethon, the latter ruled for 300 years over Egypt, furthermore, the Shemsu Hor were sometimes described as beings with a leonine aspect . In fact, one had been sometimes employing the name of Tepi-Aui (derived from <Zep Tepi> which signifies <First Times>) to designate them. His hieroglyphic symbol is a lion whose body, claws and head are perfectly recognizable. Could the Sphinx be a monument in memory of the Shemsu Hor’s passage on Earth? The legends relative to these <colonizers> are numerous and varied. They make a complete allusion to an indeterminate period during which Horus would have installed himself near the Nile, would have chased away the inhabitants who were finding themselves there, and instilled an order which must have been perpetuating itself during the dynastic epoque of the pharaohs. In as much, one attributed extraordinary astronomical knowledge to the Shemsu Hor. The father of symbolic Egyptology, the Alsatian philosopher Schwaller de Lubicz, defined them as being <those who follow the path of Horus>, that is to say of the Sun, and suggested that they were hiding all their knowledge in Heliopolis. More recently, Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, while they were studying the Sphinx, placed in relief this astronomical knowledge, on discovering that this monument was oriented towards the location of the Lion constellations’ appearance above the horizon. Tradition attributes to the Shemsu Hor;the creation of the cat, domestication of animals and choice of wheat crops such as cultivable cereals. Modern anthropology has not yet succeeded in finding all these facts’ exact origin, so important in Human History. GENETIC MANIPULATORS? These Shemsu Hor left behind other traces of their passage. According to what is explained by Jean-Louis Barnard, in his Secret History of Egypt, thanks to alchemist processes, that its better worth being qualified as genetics: They accomplished miracles such as <the creation of the cat, improvement dogs, domestication of cynocephals (which served fig collection) and a debut of the domestication of the cat and hyena>. This literal interpretation of certain Egyptian fables would maybe bring about an answer to questions which pose themselves, in the sixties, at Sorbonne University, the anthropologist Jean Servier as regards to animal domestication and agriculture of antiquity. Since time immemorial, agriculture had always been accompanied by the same domestic animals. Moreover, one has ceaselessly cultivated the same cereal types whose creation was often attributed to instructor gods of the past. <The fashion in which wild grains were originally cultivated, and certain savage animals constantly domesticated, is, one of these questions which one is incapable of responding correctly>, maintains the author John Anthony West, when one suggests that this progress is probably linked <to genetic manipulations> of the Shemsu Hor. This activity didn’t disappear with the arrival of the first pharaohs. If one believes as a result of that wall engravings west of Luxor Temple, very close to the Sanctasanctorum, the gods continued to intervene <genetically> in Egypt for centuries. This intervention of the gods over humans is called Theogamy (sacred marriage between god and human which gives birth to a royal descendance); At the time of Touthmosis IV occurred one of these <genetic> unions which gave birth to the powerful pharaoh Amenophis III. As one can still admire it today over the deteriorated walls of Luxor, the god Amon (always represented with blue skinned color), impregnates the princess Moutemuia who finds herself pregnant by Amenophis III. Inscriptions relate that the God presented himself with his <radiating> aspect and that the princess was <joyful to contemplate her splendor>. It’s in this way that the <blue blood> of the XIII Dynasty was renewed, thanks to this <connection> with the celestial gods, always represented, in Egypt, wuth blue colored skin. The ulterior consequences of this union blows ones’ eyes today, thanks to the iconography of Moutemuia’s descendants. The son of Amenophis III, for example, Akhenaton, must have been the protagonist of several mystical episodes fundamental for Egypts’ history, comprising an encounter of the <third type>. What to say about its’ aspect? As that happens within dominant casts among certain pre Colombian peoples who were deforming their skulls to imitate their gods, Akhenaton is represented as a man with large hips, of fragile appearance and preeminent skull. His daughters, whose representations we can contemplate this day at the Cairo Museum, will present the same characteristics. Is this the mark of a new lineage engendered by princess Moutemeia? One can assert that with difficulty. The mummies of Amenophis III and of Akhenaton which would bring about genetic information necessary to confirme the eventual interventation of the God, has not been identified. In 1898, Loret was discovering, within Amenophis’ tomb, a mummy, which one believed for a long time that it was mattering of that of Amenophis III. Recent investigations permitted the identification of the corps as that of Ay, sucessor of Tutankhamen. To sum up, given that one can’t verify the <physical alterations> (such as Akhenaton’s deformed skull, for example) of the two kings, ir’s impossible to know if they’re really descended from the gods. COSMIC CONTROL The XVIII Dynasty was probably the last era in Egyptian History to be directly manipulated by the Shemsu Hor or the gods themselves. This might explain the extraordinary initial expansion of this country under this dynasty and that which followed, likewise that other centuries passed saw the sudden expansion of very developed cultures and execution of construction works (like the pyramides) which were hardly outdone by the epoques’ technological and social progress of Touthmosis, Amenophis and Ramses. COMING BACK TO THE SPHINX The key of this imbroglio of exterior interventions in Egypts’ past must forcedly find itself at the places where the <extraterrestrials> themselves edified or were erected in their honor. It is evidently the case of the Sphinx, concerning its’ famous secret (Cayce made a prognosis (forecast) that one would discover, between its’ claws, a room full of documents before 1998), certain historians such as Caius Plinus secundus assert that this statue watches over the mortal remains of another distant god-king called Harmais. It probably concerns that which Herodote names Amasis and who, according to him, lived around 19000 years ago The discovery of this kind of remains would maybe lift the veil of doubt that covers up again the eventual intervention which we have spoken of above, by permitting the verification of the existence of a nan humain DNA ( or at least belonging to someone not originating from the Nile) in Ancient Egypt. Although. As must have been writing Diodore of Sicily: <What one narrates with regards to burial places of these gods is subjected to great contradictions as priests were not being allowed to divulge their knowledge which were being confided to them about these kinds of things>. Until present, evidently, not one burial place of the Shemsu Hor has been discovered, and not a single text alludes their exact situation. It's indeed a pity! HIEROGLYPHS DESCRIBE APPEARANCE OF UFOS IN ANCIENT EGYPT As this happens in our days, the sky of Ancient Egypt was crisscrossed, thousands of years ago, by all sorts of objects of unknown origin. Texts bequeathed to us by Egyptian scribes, describe in simple but eloquent language, characteristic of these people, the uncertainty and the fear into which these objects were plunging the population. The skies of Ancient Egypt were furrowed by all sorts of non-identified flying objects, as texts of the era witness about. Where were they coming from? Who were piloting them? Who was sending them? THE STORY OF THE WRECK A clear example of limits of this descriptive type is explained in the Story of the Wreck. The unique copy of this papyrus was rediscovered by the Russian Egyptologist Golenischeff at the St. Petersburg Imperial Museum. As that often takes place, in view of the number of documents or objects conserved in this museum, nobody knows how this copy landed there. Presently exhibited at the Museum of Moscow, the Story of the Wreck (Papyrus Leningrad no.1.115) dates to around 2000 years BC., is probably the most emblematic work of all of Middle Egypts’ literature. Hardly 190 lines, this piece of writing relates, in simple fashion, a man’s adventures who, unique survivor of a wreck which arrived unexpectedly during a gigantic storm, is led by waves to a rich and mysterious island. There, the survivor enters into contact with a serpent with uncommon dimensions (more than 15m in length) brilliant like gold, with lapis-lazuli eyebrows. The part which interests us is that where the serpent tells the wreck victim the tragic story of the perishing of his family as a result of a fateful catastrophe. In fact, the serpents’ appearance towards the wreck, distances itself from the Egyptian religious tradition; the gods never appear directly in front of humans. To enter into contact with them, they utilize priests as intermediaries. This notion appears likewise in other documents making allusion to other unidentified flying objects. THE PAPYRUS OF TULLI This papyrus is baptized in this way in honor of Albert Tulli, who was, during a certain time, the conservator in chief of the Egyptian Department of the Vatican Museum. The manuscript in question was retrieved, decrypted, studied and revealed to the public by the eminent Italian Egyptologist Boris de Rachelwitz, author of numerous very well known scientific works and one of the most reputed translators of the history of Egyptology. This was happening after the hour of supper, high up there in the sky, they fled towards the south. From the sky fell fishes and birds (…) original fact since the beginning of time. His Majesty burned incense to appease Amon Ra, Lord of the Two Worlds (…), in a document of the House of Life (…) eternity>. Within certain translations of this text we were able to verify that one was making allusion to the <fire circles’> dimensions: 85 cm long over a width of 20. Nevertheless the copy of the Papyrus of Tulli which we utilized for our own translation, doesn’t mention at any moment such measures. Our attention is attracted by the fact that what describes this papyrus is linked indirectly to a divine action, as the king tries to appease Amon Ra with incense. It is equally symptomatic that from the start the circles’ appearance is not to be identified as being one of the arrivals of the God in person, but as something extraordinary. That resembles strongly the description of a UFO of which one does not know the nature and which seems to unchain events as terrible as <rains of fish and birds>. RETURN OF UFOS IN EGYPT A good number of years after the strange vision of Touthmosis III, his great-great grandson, Amenophis IV was the protagonist of a similar episode. This pharaoh was the leading light of one of the most problematic episodes through Egyptian history: the era of Amarna (around 1379-1362 BC.). The fourth king Amenophis, better known under the name Akhenaton, imagined a new religion based on the energy that extricates itself from the solar disc in opposition to the traditional divinity of the sun as a celestial star, in that way revolutionizing the whole religious conception of ancient Egyptian cults. The ideogram which signifies <horizon> in Egyptian represents a disc over mountains. Simple hazard? Akhenaton’s caprice? Representation of the landing of a UFO which the pharaoh attended during his reign? One thing is sure: All these texts prove, without any doubt, that thousands of years ago, the skies of Ancient Egypt were crossed by strange objects. Maybe the same ones as today, but without the masquerade of the <gods of the sky> of the past."
Middle Eastern Mythology S. H. Hooke 1963 Page 111/112 Hebrew Mythology "Next, and again out of the soil, Yahweh moulds animals and birds, to see if they may provide a help for the man, but since the man recognizes none of these as suitable for this purpose, Yahweh causes a magic sleep (the Hebrew /word tardemah indicates a supernatural sleep; compare Gen. 15:12) to overwhelm the man, and takes out a 'rib' (the Hebrew word also means 'side' and 'builds' it into a woman as his counterpoint, and in 3:20 gives her the name Hawwah, Eve, which means 'life'. The other apellation given to her in 2:3, Ishshah, is not a proper name but the usual Hebrew word for 'wife', the feminine of 'ish, man, or husband (cf. Hos. 2:16).
hashish: meaning and definitions — Infoplease.com hashish: Definition and Pronunciation. ... Pronunciation: (hash'ēsh, -ish, ha-shēsh', hä-), [key] —n. 1. the flowering tops and leaves of Indian hemp smoked ... hash•ish Pronunciation: (hash'ēsh, -ish, ha-shēsh', hä-), [key]
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15 Jul 2008 ... My name is Shemah, which is Arabic although I don't know what it means (I'm not Arabic, just my name! My family is of Irish/Scottish ... www.shemahonline.com
Bible Revelations,God One, Oneness Jesus only,Who God Shemah, Deity ... Revealing the most vital requirement for Salvation - the Oneness Teaching: Messiah is God Himself.
The Talmud; Treatise I. On Blessings; Chapter I R. Tarphon said, "I came on the road, and reclined to recite the Shemah ... By the next words, our God, is signified God the Son, the fountain of all ...
SELECTIONS FROM THE TALMUD. THE MISHNA. TREATISE I On Blessings. Recitation of the Shemah—Blessings—Rabbi Gamaliel—Exemptions from the recitation—Prayers—Differences between the schools of Shammai and Hillel—Reverence for the Temple. CHAPTER I.
1. "From what time do we recite the Shemah 1 in the evening?" "From the hour the priests 2 enter (the temple) to eat their heave offerings, until the end of the first watch." 3 The words of R. Eleazar; but the Sages say "until midnight" Rabban Gamaliel says, "until the pillar of the morn ascend." It happened that his sons came from a banquet. They said to him, "we have not yet said the Shemah." He said to them, "if the pillar of the morn be not yet ascended, you are bound to say it; and not only this, but all that the [paragraph continues] Sages say, 'till midnight,' they command till the pillar of the morn ascend." The burning of the fat and members they command "till the pillar of the morn ascend." And all offerings, which must be eaten the same day, they command "till the pillar of the morn ascend." If so, why do the Sages say "until midnight?" "To withhold man from transgression." 2. "From what time do we recite the Shemah in the morning?" When one can discern betwixt "blue and white,"R. Eleazar says "betwixt blue and leek green." And it may be finished "until the sun shine forth." R. Joshua says "until the third hour." 1 For such is the way of royal princes to rise at the third hour. He who recites Shemah afterwards loses nothing. He is like a man reading the Law. 3. The school of Shammai say that in the evening all men are to recline when they recite the Shemah; and in the morning they are to stand up; for it is said, "when thou liest down and when thou risest up." 2 But the school of Hillel say, "that every man is to recite it in his own way; for it is said "when thou walkest by the way." 3 If so, why is it said, "when thou liest down and when thou risest up"? "When mankind usually lie down, and when mankind usually rise up." R. Tarphon said, "I came on the road, and reclined to recite the Shemah according to the words of the school of Shammai, and I was in danger of robbers." The Sages said to him, "thou wast guilty against thyself, because thou didst transgress the words of the school of Hillel." 4. In the morning two blessings are said before (the Shemah), and one after it; and in the evening two blessings before and two after it, one long and one short. 4 Where the (Sages) have said to lengthen, none is allowed to shorten; and to shorten none is allowed to lengthen: to close, none is allowed not to close; not to close, none is allowed to close. 5. We commemorate the departure from Egypt at night; said R. Eleazar, son of Azariah, "truly I am a son of seventy years, and was not clear that thou shouldst say the departure from Egypt at night until the son of Zoma expounded, 'that thou mayest remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life;' 1 the days of thy life (are) days; all the days of thy life (include) the nights." But the Sages say, "the days of thy life (are) this world; all the days of thy life (include) the days of the Messiah." Footnotes 49:1 "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord," etc. (Deut. vi. 4-9, xi. 13-21; Num. xv. 37-41). Evening prayer might be said after 12.30 P.M. (Acts x. 9.) It is abundantly evident from the Zohar that the ancient Jews understood that in the Shemah there was a confession of the doctrine of the Trinity in unity—three Persons in One God. "Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. By the first name in this sentence, Jehovah, is signified God the Father, the Head of all things. By the next words, our God, is signified God the Son, the fountain of all knowledge; and by the second Jehovah, is signified God the Holy Ghost, proceeding of them both; to all which is added the word One, to signify that these three are Indivisible. But this mystery shall not be revealed until the coming of Messiah." The Zohar gives also an imperfect illustration of this great Truth, by saying that the Trinity in unity is like "the human voice which is composed of three elements—warmth, air, and vapour." 49:2 Priests who were legally unclean. (Lev. xxii. 7). 49:3 The Mishna begins the night at 6 P.M., and divides it into three watches of four hours each. 50:1 The Mishna begins the day at 6 a.m. The third hour is 9 A.M. 50:2 Deut. vi. 7. 50:3 Ibid. 50:4 A long blessing begins and ends with "Blessed art Thou, O Lord;" a short blessing only ends with these words. 51:1 Deut. xvi. 3
Shemah The most beloved verses in Hebrew scripture are called the Shemah. Here is an English translation. “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. ... en.wordpress.com/tag/shemah
The most beloved verses in Hebrew scripture are called the Shemah. Here is an English translation. “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates.”
Names of God in Judaism - Wikepedia, the free encyclopedia
"I am that I am" (Hebrew: אהיה אשר אהיה, pronounced Ehyeh asher ehyeh) is the ... Ehyeh asher ehyeh is generally interpreted to mean "I will be what I will ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_God_in_JudaismEhyeh-Asher-EhyehThe name Ehyeh (Hebrew: אֶהְיֶה) denotes God's potency in the immediate future, and is part of YHWH. The phrase "ehyeh-asher-ehyeh" (Exodus) 3:14) is interpreted by some authorities as "I will be because I will be", using the second part as a gloss and referring to God's promise, "Certainly I will be [ehyeh] with thee" (Exodus 3:12). Other authorities claim that the whole phrase forms one name. The Targum Onkelos leaves the phrase untranslated and is so quoted in the Talmud (B. B. 73a). The "I am that I am" of the Authorised Version is based on this view. "I am that I am" (Hebrew: אהיה אשר אהיה, pronounced Ehyeh asher ehyeh) is the sole response used in (Exodus 3:14) when Moses asked for God's name. It is one of the most famous verses in the Hebrew Bible. Hayah means "existed" or "was" in Hebrew; ehyeh is the first-person singular imperfect form. Ehyeh asher ehyeh is generally interpreted to mean "I will be what I will be", I shall be what I shall be or I am that I am (King James Bible and others). The Tetragrammaton itself may derive from the same verbal root. HASHEM Jewish Law requires that secondary rules be placed around the primary law, to reduce the chance that the main law will be broken. As such, it is common Jewish practice to restrict the use of the word Adonai to prayer only. In conversation, many Jewish people will call God "Hashem", which is Hebrew for "the Name" (this appears in Leviticus 24:11). Many Jews extend this prohibition to some of the other names listed below, and will add additional sounds to alter the pronunciation of a name when using it outside of a liturgical context, such as kel or elokim. While other names of God in Judaism are generally restricted to use in a Liturgicalcontext, Hashem is used in more casual circumstances. Hashem is used by Orthodox Jews so as to avoid saying Adonai outside of a ritual context. For example, when Orthodox Jews make audio recordingsof prayer services, they generally substitute Hashem for Adonai--for example, this pattern is used during all prayers in the movie Ushpizin.
Chapter 10 The Dimension Wars - Page 6 Moorcock's Miscellany "Hashra Hashra Ha Ha Ha Hahhoorthionikius" "Ha Ha Ha Ha Hashra Homalus Heertrophen" Boris looks at Subotai and says: 'Bring the ogre, I have an idea as to ... www.multiverse.org
shab01 The parasha of Ki Tisa introduces the idea of hashra'at ha-Shekhina (the settling of the Divine Presence amongst the Jewish people in the context of building ... www.vbm-torah.org/archive/shab01.htm
The parasha of Ki Tisa introduces the idea of hashra'at ha-Shekhina (the settling of the Divine Presence amongst the Jewish people) in the context of building the mishkan (the Tabernacle) (see Teruma, Tetzaveh, and Ki Tisa). Building the mishkan allows the settling of the Divine Presence amongst the Jewish people in the dimension of space. It is appropriate, then, that in the context of this new idea, God chooses to add that hashra'at ha-Shekhina can take place not only in the dimension of space (mishkan), but also in the realm of time (Shabbat). We now understand why the Torah waits until Ki Tisa to teach us that Shabbat is a sign and covenant. Only when we understand that God is dwelling among us in a special way on Shabbat can we appreciate that Shabbat is a sign and covenant between us and Hashem.
THE POETICS OF ASCENT Theories of Language in a Rabbinic Asd=cent Text Naomi Janowitz 1989 Page 25 Introduction to the Text The Ideology of the Divine Name "You spoke and the world existed/ By the breath of your lips you established the firmament" (lines 850-851) Page 26 These themes about the prohibitions and power of the divine Name are developed in a series of anecdotes found in widely disparate Jewish texts.29 No single rabbinic text includes all of the anecdotes we will survey about the divine Name; subplots include its restriction, its use in creating the world, and its use and abuse by Israelites, biblical figures, and individual rabbis.31 The particular articulation of the theme depends on the other points the story is trying to make.
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Sons of Noah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Characteristics of Shem, Ham, and Japheth
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Old Testament question: What was Noah's wifes name? First of all, it isn't Joan of Arc! Noah's wife isn't named in Genesis, but in the Book of Jubilees she ... wiki.answers.com/Q/What_was_Noah's_wifes_name
Noah's wife isn't named in Genesis, but in the Book of Jubilees she is named as Emzara. The Book of Jubilees is a early Jewish religious work that was supressed to such an extent that no complete copy now exists.
"Noah's wife isn't named in Genesis, but in the Book of Jubilees she is named as Emzara"
THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Zecharia Sitchin 1980 Book II of THE EARTH CHRONICLES Chapter IV Page 45 The Stairway to Heaven "Let us imagine ourselves in the Pharaoh's magnificent funerary temple. Having mummified and prepared the Pharaoh for his Journey, the Shem priests now intone the gods to open for the king a path and a gateway. The divine messenger has arrived on the other side of the false door, ready to take the Pharaoh through the stone wall and launch him on his journey." Page 72 "In the book of the dead nine objects affiliated with the hieroglyph for Shem were depicted in the division paralleling the shrine of Heliopolis; it could well be that there were indeed another nine space related objects or spacecraft parts on display at the shrine." Page 115 "In post Diluvial times, Sumerian records stated, Etana - an early ruler of Kish - was taken aloft in a Shem to the Abode of the Gods, there to be granted the Plant of Rejuvanation and Birthgiving (but he was too frightened to complete the journey).
WHY SMASH ATOMS A. K. Solomon 1940 VAN DE GRAAFF GENERATOR Page 77 "Once the fairy tale hero has penetrated the ring of fire round the magic mountain he is free to woo the heroine in her castle on the mountain top."
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 FOREWORD "'Into the Comet' and 'The Nine Billion Names of God' both involve computers and the troubles they may cause us. While writing this preface, I had occasion to call upon my own HP 9100A computer, Hal Junior, to answer an interesting question. Looking at my records, I find that I have now written just about one hundred short stories. This volume contains eighteen of them: therefore, how many possible 18-story collections will I be able to put together? The answer as I am sure will be instantly obvious to you - is 100 x 99. . . x 84 x 83 divided by 18 x 17 x 16 ... x .2 x 1. This is an impressive number - Hal Junior tells me that it is approximately 20,772,733,124,605,000,000. Page 15 The Nine Billion Names of God 'This is a slightly unusual request,' said Dr Wagner, with what he hoped was commendable restraint. 'As far as I know, it's the first time anyone's been asked to supply a Tibetan monastery with an Automatic Sequence Computer. I don't wish to be inquisitive, but I should hardly have thought that your - ah - establishment had much use for such a machine. Could you explain just what you intend to do with it?' Page16 'We have reason to believe,' continued the lama imperturbably, 'that all such names can be written with not more than nine letters in an alphabet we have devised.'
I = 9 9 = I R = 9 9 = R
OF T9ME AND STA9S A9thu9 C. Cla9ke,1972 Page 15 'Th9s 9s a sl9ghtly unusual 9equest,'sa9d D9 Wagne9, w9th what he hoped was commendable 9est9a9nt.' As fa9 as 9 know, 9t's the f99st t9me anyone's been asked to supply a T9betan monaste9y with an Automat9c Sequence Compute9. 9 don't w9sh to be 9nqu9s9t9ve, but 9 should ha9dly have thought that you9- ah - establ9shment had much use for such a mach9ne.Could you expla9n just what you 9ntend to do w9th 9t?' 'Gladly,' 9epl9ed the lama, 9eadjust9ng h9s s9lk 9obes and ca9efully putting away the sl9de 9ule he had been us9ng fo9 cu99ency conve9s9ons. 'You9 Ma9k V Compute9 can ca99y out any 9out9ne mathemat9cal ope9at9on 9nvolv9ng up to ten d9g9ts. Howeve9, for ou9 work we are 9nte9ested 9n lette9s, not numbe9s. As we w9sh you to mod9fy the output c9rcu9ts,the mach9ne w9ll be p99nt9ng wo9ds not columns of f9gu9es.' '9 dont qu9te unde9stand…' 'Th9s 9s a p9oject on wh9ch we have been work9ng fo9 the last th9ee centu99es - s9nce the lamase9y was founded, 9n fact.9t 9s somewhat al9en to you9 way of thought, so9 hope you w9ll l9sten with an open m9nd wh9le 9 expla9n 9t 'Natu9ally.' '9t 9s 9eally qu9te s9mple.We have been comp9l9ng a l9st wh9ch shall conta9n all the poss9ble names of God' '9 beg you9 pa9don?' / Page16 / 'We have 9eason to bel9eve' cont9nued the lama 9mpe9tu9bably, ' that all such names can be w99tten with not mo9e than n9ne lette9s 9n an alphabet we have dev9sed,' 'And you have been do9ng th9s for three centu99es? 'Yes: we expected9t would take us about f9fteen thousand years to complete the task.' 'Oh, Dr Wagne9 looked a l9ttle dazed. 'Now9 see why you wanted to h99e one of ou9 mach9nes. But what exactly9s the pu9pose of th9s p9oject ? 'The lama hes9tated fo9 a f9act9on of a second, and Wagne9 wonde9ed9f he had offended h9m.9f so the9e was no t9ace of annoyance9n the 9eply. 'Call9t 99tual, 9f you l9ke, but 9t's a fundamental pa9t of ou9 bel9ef. All the many names of the Sup9eme Be9ng - God , Jehova , Allah , and so on - they a9e only man made labels. The9e 9s a ph9losoph9cal p9oblem of some d9ff9culty he9e, wh9ch9 do not p9opose to d9scuss, but somewhe9e among all the poss9ble comb9nat9ons of lette9s that can occu9 a9e what one may call the 9eal names of God. By systemat9c pe9mutat9on of lette9s, we have been t9y9ng to l9st them all' 9 see. You've been sta9t9ng at AAAAAAA… and wo9k-9ng up to ZZZZZZZZ …' 'Exactly - though we use a spec9al alphabet of ou9 own. Mod9fy9ng the elect9omat9c typew99te9s to deal w9th th9s 9s of cou9se t99v9al. A 9athe9 mo9e 9nte9est9ng p9oblem 9s that of dev9s9ng su9table c99cu9ts to el9m9nate 9 9d9culous comb9nat9ons. Fo9 example, no lette9 must occu9 mo9e than th9ee t9mes 9n sucess9on.' 'Th9ee? Su9ely you mean two.' 'Th9ee 9s co99ect; 9 am af9a9d 9t would take too long to expla9n why , even 9f you unde9stood ou9 language.'/ Page 17 / '9'm su9e 9t would,' sa9d Wagne9 hast9ly. 'Go on.' 'Luck9ly, 9t w9ll be a s9mple matte9 to adapt you9 Automat9c Sequence Compute9 fo9 th9s wo9k, s9nce once 9t has been p9og9ammed p9ope9ly 9t w9ll pe9mute each lette9 9n tu9n and p99nt the 9esult. What would have taken us f9fteen thousand years 9t w9ll be able to do 9n a hund9ed days.' 'Dr Wagne9 was sca9cely consc9ous of the fa9nt sounds f9om the Manhatten st9eets fa9 below. He was 9n a d9ffe9ent wo9ld, a wo9ld of natu9al, not man-made mounta9ns. H9gh up 9n the99 9emote ae99es these monks had been pat9ently at wo9k gene9at9on afte9 gene9at9on, comp9l9ng the99 l9sts of mean9ngless wo9ds. Was the9e any l9m9ts to the foll9es of mank9nd ? St9ll, he must g9ve no h9nt of h9s 9nne9 thoughts. The custome9 was always 99ght…"
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 Page 68 Into the Comet
DECIPHER MANKIND HAD 1200 YEARS YEARS TO CRACK THE CODE WE HAVE ONE WEEK LEFT Stel Pavlou Page 357 24 hours "We live in a universe of patterns. Every night the stars move in circles across the sky. The seasons cycle at yearly inter vals. No two snowflakes are ever exactly the same, but the all have sixfold symmetry. Tigers and zebras are covered in patterns of stripes; leopards and hyenas are covered in pat terns of spots. Intricate trains of waves march across the oceans; very similar trains of sand dunes march across the desert . . . By using mathematics... we have discovered great secret: nature's patterns are not just there to be admired, they are vital clues to the rules that govern natural processes." Ian Stewart, Nature's Numbers, 1995
2061 ODYSSEY THREE Arthur C. Clarke 1987 Page 13 (number 0mitted) "THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN"
THE LOST WORLDS OF 2001 Arthur C.Clarke 1972 "Sorry to interrupt the festivities, but we have a problem."
Zarathustra theme to his TV audience, aboard Apollo 13 Command Module Odyssey)
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